Danustica Settlement in Calradia | World Anvil


The frontier city of Danustica dominates the network of lakes and lagoons that are spawned from Lake Xorhas. It has long held the line against incursions by the The Southern Calradian Empire and The Aserai Confederacy, as well as various Darshi shahs and Southern nomads further to the south and east. Many an imperial legionary stationed here has scribbled graffiti on its walls cursing the city's sweltering summers, brackish water and the mosquitos that rise from the Lake Xorhas, but the inhabitants are proud of their role as border defenders and mock the soldiers wilting in the heat around them.   The City has long been a border city, even in the days of the high empire. It is located at a strategic point from which any crossing of Lake Xorhas could be stopped, and any attempt to cross the lakes and rivers to the East could be monitored.    This city if the moat criminal of all the East, as the mercenaries of the South, Drug dealers, and the black market thrives in this border city. Although the upper districts of the city are gleaming examples of honorable nobility and civilized society, the lakeside districts are frequented by many people of lesser repute. Danustica is a city of polar opposites.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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