Sevres Brecken Character in Calidan | World Anvil
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Sevres Brecken

An artist and good friend of Arch Mage Reldan, whom he often worked alongside when Reldan was making academic works such as "The Laws and Guidelines of Spellcrafting: How to Change the World" by Arch Mage Reldan, for which he provided sometimes useful but more often flourishing illustrations.


Arch Mage Reldan

Friend (Important)

Towards Sevres Brecken



Sevres Brecken

Friend (Vital)

Towards Arch Mage Reldan




The two met when Reldan was employed at Derval University. Brecken was a student of Reldan's, and the two would often discuss academic matters after classes had ended. The two had a mutual respect for each other: Reldan respected Brecken's tenacity, open-mindedness, and willingness to learn, while Brecken respected Reldan's knowledge and talent, as well as the fact that he was self-taught. One day, Reldan came to Brecken with a proposition. Reldan wished to release a book detailing the basics of spellcrafting. Because Reldan knew that he would have to retire someday, and that he wished to teach his students more advanced methodology rather than reiterating basic theory all the time, he figured a catch all solution would be to detail the basics of spellcraft in a manual, allowing students to come to him ready learn more advanced methodology, as well as making sure that if his successor were to revert to a textbook method of teaching, he would at least be able to help inspire students with a well written textbook rather than the old and boring methodology book, "Basic Spellcraft Theory". To do this, he would write a manual with a personal tone, adding in humor and witticisms to break up the monotony of reading, as well as adding in inspiring examples to the theory to make it more engaging and easy to understand. However, he also felt that the book could use some illustrations to help guide readers and break up the text. He knew that Brecken was a good artist, and also wanted to engage Brecken in an interesting project, as Brecken was one of his more engaged students. Brecken agreed to the task, and after two years the two released their work to the public: "The Laws and Guidelines of Spellcrafting: How to Change the World". Even after their stays at Derval University, the two remain good friends, occasionally meeting up to discuss their lives and matters of academics.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Spellcrafting, pursuit of knowledge



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