Humans, Irimondian Ethnicity in Calethos | World Anvil
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Humans, Irimondian

Irimondian humans are a varied people. Their complexions range from tall and strong, ginger-haired and pale skinned northeners to olive-skinned and dark haired individuals of average height found in the south of the realm. Their skin is usually light and their hair colour ranges from raven black to a blond which is almost white. Their eyes are usually blue, brown, seldomly grey or green.

Socially the Irimondians are one of the more heterogeneous peoples. A person theoretically can pursue all of the possibilities that life supplies them with. Irimondians are, apart from the nobility, not restricted to stay in their social class from birth. But in reality it would take a tremendous effort and strength of will for a peasant boy or kitchen maid to outgrow their social position and attain a higher status. Nonetheless, opportunities present themselves all the time: it is not unheard of that a simple scullion can achieve greatness and become an influential trader or a sheperd's daughter grows to become one of the realm's most well-kown alchemists.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Demelzia, Juwella, Milwyn, Ourdelyn, Trigereth

Masculine names

Breek, Jorith, Kanader, Mertho, Wurcan

Family names

Grenferell, Kellegrew, Nicholls, Rosewarne, Treglarne


Beauty Ideals

Beauty standards are very varied among the Irimondians: men may grow their beards wildly in the north, keep them groomed among Irimondian nobility or sport slender moustaches as is the fashion in Tenebry. Women alike may wear their hair open, keep it skillfully coiffed or pulled tight, or may wear it short, if they so like.
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