Session 3: One Set of Footprints Report Report in Calathea | World Anvil
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Session 3: One Set of Footprints Report

General Summary

Tear and Eversong    Using detect magic, Tear and Eversong move through the streets of Quickwater. This leads them to a cart parked outside a small house. They knock on the house next-door and meet Kater. She is very bubbly and tells them that next door lives Ralph Wood. Ralph is an odd duck who she grew up with. He is a loner and "nice but strange." He does mostly odd jobs and has been known to lend out his cart when needed. He also makes salves for the local cleric.    Issac, Adria, and August   They head to Randall's Carpentry, which is across the road from the forge and run by a portly middle aged man named Ewan. He and Issac have a friendly relationship and he allows them to check his carts. They find that of the 4 carts out front, 2 of magic on them (Illusion and Abjuration). On the illusion cart, they find a box which is 2 feet by 8 inches, locked. They go ask Ewan about it and he shares he does some under the table transporting and wood making. Highlights include an illegal chinchilla smuggling ring and creating sex toys. They get a brochure for dildos.    Kes and Xerrakir   Kes and Xerrakir go to question Madam Waterfall, who tells them that Claudia's girl was complaining at work about a loud neighbor, and it was impacting her ability to sleep. Additionally, a nasty case of food poisoning went around town from from sausage.    Group meets back up! And splits up really fast again!   Ralph Group: August, Issac, Adria Outside Ralph: Tear and Eversong. Butcher: Kes, Xerrakir   Kes and Xerrakir Find a note at the butchers stall saying he's out do to a quality issues. Robert the butcher has a husband and two dogs. They question Ames the cheese maker who tells them that Robert is very upset about the food poison and he has never had a quality issue like this before. Ames knows that Robert lives in the north west part of town.    Issac, Adria, and August   They go to Ralph's. Knocking produces a tired Ralph who is rude and unwilling to let them look at his cart. they manage to cast friends on him for a minute, but as soon as that wears off he becomes aggressive again. He called Issac stupid, which upsets Issac so much.    End right before rolling initiative.
Pyra Cantha
8 / 8 HP
Xerrakir Icemane
Issac Kyr'Nodel
Kestrel Overhill
8 / 8 HP
Player Journals
Thoughtful Insight. by Tear Razier
The Dossier by Eversong
So... about these new people. by Kestrel Overhill
My new friends... I can call them friends, can't I? by Issac Kyr'Nodel
strangers? acquaintances? [session 3] by Adria
These People. by August
Report Date
28 May 2021
Primary Location


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