Cairne The Halfling Genocide

The Halfling Genocide



In a short and horrific frame of time, the fury of the elves of Gaul Do Shah fell upon the simple folk that had been their long time allies, the Halflings leading to their ultimate extinction.

An act of misguided desperation, driven by the madness caused by their Spirit Tree being twisted and withered by the Void energy of the Blight, Queen Sharvisal put out the final royal decree of her reign before her entire empire fell to dust and decay, to gather the halflings of all the nearby settlements and bring them to Spirit Tree as sacrifices. She firmly believed the blood would revitalize her people and their minds, but at this point was too far gone to see clear enough the fallacy of this decision. The elves, fuming and frenzied in their insanity, fell upon the surrounding settlements of the Halflings like a wave of death, starting with Amberhearth. The violence and horrors that occured over the following weeks is beyond measure and only spoken about in whispers to this day, but in the small span of time, a mere few weeks, every last Halfling that once called the borders of Gaul Do Shah home was dead, their homes left as gastly monuments to the vibrant, simple, and welcoming folk that once called those places home. So swift and terrible was the onslaught that not a single one was able to flee in time to avoid the massacre, their own lives already thrown into tumultuous disarray by the Blight and the creatures that now stalked the nights. The genocide, once complete, stands as a constant reminder of why the The Ruins of Shah is a location to be avoided at all costs.