Cairne The Death of Jaimus Oraulcli II and the fall of the House of Oraulcli

The Death of Jaimus Oraulcli II and the fall of the House of Oraulcli

Life, Death

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Sovereign Jaimus Oraulcli II passes quietly in his bed of old age, having lived out the last years of his life as a hermit prone to bouts of paranoia and extreme anxiety. Having taken no Prima Consort during his reign, and leaving no heir, the fate of the title of Sovereign comes under scrutiny.

While his passing was indeed mourned, as he was not unliked by the people, the need for the title at all became a topic of heated debate within the Order of Objective Representation. Many believed and fought to have the role retired completely, and to move the entirety of power into the hands of the Order itself. A small contingent of politicians opposed this heavily, and began a campaign against it with the people of the Empire, rallying against the potential power grab by painting it as a dangerous precedent that could shift power too far in one direction, and potentially lead to more disasters in the future.

Related Location
The Palace of Glass
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