Cairne The Whispers of the Return of Seanachaisian Magic Incite Unrest

The Whispers of the Return of Seanachaisian Magic Incite Unrest

Cultural event


As the activities of the Burnt Crows gain notoriety, their ideals and movement begins to spread across the Bechtlarite Empire, bringing with it further unrest and increased paranoia from the general populace.

The news of the bold and destructive exploits of Sighnai Oifrei and The Burnt Crows spreads across the Empire like wildfire. As news falls upon the ears of other Seanachaisians and those sympathetic to their cause, the ideal that Sighnai brought forth sets many other, smaller groups to working their own brands of dissention. All of these outliers funtion independently, yet all claim allegiance to Sighnai directly. This disorganized, modular division serves the Burnt Crow cause better than any structural implementation ever could, as each cell knows nothing of the others, their plans, members, or activity.   A common theme within the attacks and acts of sedition that follow is the use of outlawed arcane abilities and Seanachaisian musical and artistic abilities, sparking concerns that the dissidents are working with forces that could cause greater and more devastating detrimental damage to not only the Empire, but the world as a whole. Using the momentum of the national unease and now solidified fear of the arcane, Candor Ralech pushed out further incentives to disperse and grow his numbers of the Wraith Guard exponentially, sending them on to outposts all over the globe as guardians against the threat of magic with orders to not only defend against it, but to actively seek it out. With rare exception, the hosting nations welcomed these additional well trained defenders, as they lent their abilities to the policing and overall defenses of the places they were stationed, and in doing so, garnered a great deal of positive influence of the places they remained. Condor quite happily used this new growing sense of welcome to further his own causes, seeding information through his agents that vilified Sighnai and the Crows as terrorists that held no allegiance to anyone but themselves, and harmed the innocent just as easy as someone who may have been an actual enemy.   While a large number of the common populus believed these rumors, there were those that were equally enticed by them and the potential that magic still held now aware that the information and skills needed to wield such incredible power still remained in the world.

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