The Greenlands Commonage

This is the one and only settlement of the Ongommu Tae. The settlement itself is quite large, covering an entire province that dominates the Southern Plains. The area it covers is the most lush and fertile lands in all of Cairne, and one of the few places left that the sun pierces fully through the gloom on a daily basis. Filled with cobbled roads and beaten paths, the gardens of the Greenlands are vibrant and fragrant and its lakes and streams clean and cool. The entire realm is a sharp contrast from the rest of Cairne, and the attitudes of the people here match it very well.


Primarily human with a vast majority of Ongommu Tae, though there is a regular presence of Bechtlarite and Ventryte merchants and occasional workers. There is also a fairly well known, but rarely discussed presence of Ougham here.


The Ongommu Tae opted almost immediately to form a republic to govern their day to day matters, due to a growing concern that any one person would have too much power to maintain the simple and peaceful way of life their faction fought for in the civil wars following the Blight. The Republic of Tae holds elections annually for a handful of Directorships that manage various civil and municipal offices for the population. The Ongommu Tae people have one settlement in Cairn, known simply as the Greenlands Commonage, deep in the Southern plains as far from the Blighted Lands as possible. This settlement is focused primarily on agriculture, and hosts large swaths of land dedicated to the growing of food and industrial crops alike. Beyond the fields, flocks of sheep and herds of cattle are kept and shepherded through the designated grazing lands, and further still are the granite and marble quarries that supply most of the human needs for construction materials. Life and law within the Greenlands is simple and relaxed, with most of the people opting for lives of gentle work and meager lives. The Commonage has a civil militia consisting of retired veterans and youths looking for a change of pace that is commanded by the Director of Peacekeeping, Johanna Munkshoud. She is a quiet woman and generally known to be forgiving and eager to find alternative solutions for law breakers and dissidents that she apprehends. The Greenlands prison only has a handful of cells and should rather they stay as empty as possible. The other Directors hold council in the central meeting house, colloquially called the Confluence. Here they discuss public matters most evenings to packed houses of citizens. Judgements are made to end disputes and dole out justice, much of which are influenced heavily by public influence which can be gauged by the level of noise made when questions are asked and answers given. The Ongommu Tae are extremely welcoming, and there is no such thing as a stranger in their lands. All races can find a table to sit at and a warm hearth to rest by. The Greenlands is home to numerous taverns and inns, and all of them are popular with both the civilian population and travelers from the outside alike. Foreign matters, which are monitored by the Council, are not held in the highest of regard, as the general populace have little to no interest in getting involved in the petty squabbles of others. They would rather fight to maintain their way of life, the struggle for the power to change others. To the people of the Greenlands, change is a natural thing that nature will bring about in due time.

Industry & Trade

This is the largest, adn one of the only agricultural hubs left in the world. The Commonage also has a number of mines and fisheries that it maintains.


Almost all of the underlying infrastructure in place is to support the agricultural efforts of the Commonage. There is a simple sewage system, but a fairly ingenious system of recycling grey waste and directing the resulting water to where it is needed most using a system of underground pipes and sluice gates.


The Commonage is a single, large community, and has been built up in a very organic manner, most of the locations of various shops and services close to the homes of the people the operate them rather than any preplanned form of civil engineering.


Simple construction and comfortable designs make for a fairly pleasing rural design in most cases. The Commonage was built by people, for people and the resulting hodge podge of rustic styles is a testament to their salt of the earth lifestyle.


This is the only remaining fertile land in the world following the blight. The people of the Commonage are doing the best they can to hold back the rot that is slowly claiming the soil to the north.

Natural Resources

Grain, fish, coal, iron, tea, coffee, wood, peat, cotton, assorted vegetables and fruits.

Articles under The Greenlands Commonage


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