Journey to the Mountain's Throat III Report Report in Caeteria | World Anvil

Journey to the Mountain's Throat III Report

General Summary

The party quickly came up with a plan to divide the supplies on the cart between themselves as best they could, and morthran, brok-bjorn, and straadmere rigged the cart as an explosive trap for any wandering goblins. They pushed on until night time, finding a safe space to camp. Levi tried another of the strange mushroom concoctions, and was rendered blind and deaf for an hour.   After that, and uneventful night's sleep was had, and the party pushed onward towards the Mountain's Throat, arriving in the early afternoon. Esme scouted through Zephyr's eyes, and saw that the gully around the sinkhole was full of goblins and bugbears. A lot of goblins and bugbears. The group banded about a number of strategies, before deciding on keeping things simple and just sneaking in, taking out as many as they could quietly on the approach.   Unfortunately, things went bad straight from the start, as some members of the group were less than stealthy on the approach, and the goblins seemed on high alert. The alarm was quickly raised by a bugbear blowing a horn, and combat ensued. A number of goblins rushed the group, but were swiftly cut down by crossbow bolts and spells. Goblin skirmishers across the stream proved a nuisance however and, as more goblin forces came across the bridge from the camp, the party looked to be pinned in place...
Terror From The North
Level 3 Orc Neutral Good Blood Hunter
(Far Traveler)
/ 36 HP
Level 3 Kalashtar Neutral Good Cleric
(Far Traveler)
/ 22 HP
Esmerelda Pretenera
Level 7 Human Neutral Good Wizard
/ 48 HP
8 / 8 HP
Adelgarn Straadmere
Report Date
24 Jul 2020
Primary Location


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