Esmerelda Pretenera Character in Caeteria | World Anvil

Esmerelda Pretenera

Princess Esmerelda Pretenera (a.k.a. Esme)

Princess Esmerelda Arianna Devera Pretenera is the fourth child of King Bernardo and Queen Bertilda of Gelding Wood and fifth in line to the throne.   FAMILY TREE

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Esme is a slender individual, however she is stronger than she looks having spent her most of her life riding and carrying heavy books around.

Special abilities

As a wizard, Esme can learn a lot of spells, although she has tried to keep the balance between combat and utility in her spellbook. In the course of her studies, Esme has found she has a particular talent for conjuration.

Apparel & Accessories

Growing up in a wealthy household, Esme was used to wearing dresses and skirts, some of them very fine. However, she discovered that they weren't practical at all for travelling. So when Esme arrived in Leviva, she opted to buy a pair of trousers, along with some sturdy boots from Barrett's and is enjoying them immensely.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Esme identifies as female.


Even though she has been taught anatomy and biology by her many tutors, Esme is woefully inexperienced when it comes to the practical matters of the heart.


Esme has had what seems like a small army of tutors on subjects ranging from science to religion, but was never taught the subject she most most interested in; magic. Esme learned magic on her own, without the knowledge of her parents.


Esme has never had a job. Being a princess, she was expected make a politically advantageous marriage and produce heirs. Privately, Esme thought that would be a fate worse than death and planned to leave that life as soon as she could.

Personality Characteristics


Esme's main motivations are freedom and independence, especially from her family.


Esme is very particular about being clean. She often uses the prestidigitation cantrip to remain spotless, even on the road.


Gayamisthius Teferra

Lover (Important)

Towards Esmerelda Pretenera



Esmerelda Pretenera

Lover (Important)

Towards Gayamisthius Teferra



An innocent, young wizard trying to find her own way in the world.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Princess of Gelding Wood The Caretaker
Date of Birth
16th Season of the Guard PR.3104
Sewit's Run, Gelding Wood
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 4"
Known Languages
Esme is fluent in Common and Elvish. Her Dwarven is pretty rusty but she's confident she could get by in a pinch.   Thanks to her connection with Aic'Thaarxa, Esme is now fluent in Gnomish and can use the Comprehend Languages spell.

Letter from S to B

Dearest S,   I write to you following my visit with our associate, H, in Filbend. While I do detest them, they seem to be a necessary evil for now, and Head S assures me they are central to our plans here in Torfe, and I cannot argue the fact. Their connections with all corners of black market trade in Torfe is certainly useful to us. Head S sent me to treat, and so we have struck a deal with H for more supplies and soldiers. To that end, there is a task for you to fulfill as part of our deal. H tells me they have an associate, loyal to our cause, coming north very soon. They know to look for you, or your associates, in Leviva. Be on the lookout for a Half-Drow bearing insignia of the Bastion Sentinels of Carrak (H assures me that their loyalty to us is secure). It would seem they are being tracked, so have your Wizard get them out of town to Filbend quickly, and waylay their pursuer if possible.   In other discourse, Head S requires an update from you. Your efforts in Bid’Gablanz have been ongoing for almost a year now, and you have had no success in locating the Flaming Ruby. Are the workers we sent you inadequate? Or are you in need of further supplies? Remember, the Ruby is of utmost importance to our plan. I do not want to have to send A to take over the operation. It would not end well for you. G is active in your area is he not? Perhaps enlist his aid.   Until the Seven Heads Become One, Brother   B

Letters from S to G

G,   Your help near Leviva has been Invaluable, as always, but a new possible threat has sprung up. A group of adventurers aiding the local militia. I had initially thought to hire them for help in Bid Gab'lanz, but they may prove too morally forthright. They are currently headed for the Nix Hollow Woods, to locate Jared Nix. C assures me this letter will reach you before they reach the woods, so find attatched a series of portraits. Consider them priority targets.   Until the Seven Heads become One, brother,   S   ---   G,   I know you suffer a lack of information due to the nature of your work, so consider this an update. I am told that we now have members in the highest echelons of Torfe society, best placed to sow confusion and stall the nation’s response to whatever Head S chooses for us to do here. T in Iarro also informed me that some of the other Heads have begun to establish similar, sizable networks in Talemberg, Ecumiz, and Saloess. On a more local note, my excavations in Bid Gab’lanz continue apace, although I have experienced numerous setbacks. With this in mind I ask a favour of you. While you have been successful in riling up most of the local goblin clans in the Hollow Valley, might I ask that you focus some direct attention on the area of Leviva? I need to bring in some heavier equipment and more workers to Bid Gab’lanz and, while I have a contact in their ranks working to protect me, I could do without the local militia or the Alderman sniffing around, so distracting them with further attacks would help me no end. If you can sort this for me, I will reach out to our associate, H, in Filbend, and see if I can’t use my leverage with them to acquire some items of an explosive nature to help your own plans. Until then I will continue my digging and research so that we may one day soon bask in the glory of His power.   Until the Seven Heads become One, brother,   S

Letter from B to S

Dearest S,   I write to you following my visit with our associate, H, in Filbend. While I do detest them, they seem to be a necessary evil for now, and Head S assures me they are central to our plans here in Torfe, and I cannot argue the fact. Their connections with all corners of black market trade in Torfe is certainly useful to us. Head S sent me to treat, and so we have struck a deal with H for more supplies and soldiers. To that end, there is a task for you to fulfill as part of our deal. H tells me they have an associate, loyal to our cause, coming north very soon. They know to look for you, or your associates, in Leviva. Be on the lookout for a Half-Drow bearing insignia of the Bastion Sentinels of Carrak (H assures me that their loyalty to us is secure). It would seem they are being tracked, so have your Wizard get them out of town to Filbend quickly, and waylay their pursuer if possible.   In other discourse, Head S requires an update from you. Your efforts in Bid’Gablanz have been ongoing for almost a year now, and you have had no success in locating the Flaming Ruby. Are the workers we sent you inadequate? Or are you in need of further supplies? Remember, the Ruby is of utmost importance to our plan. I do not want to have to send A to take over the operation. It would not end well for you. G is active in your area is he not? Perhaps enlist his aid.   Until the Seven Heads Become One, Brother   B

Letter from Head J to 'Grandson'

Grandson,   My heart swells with pride to see you finally bled, and taking up such a prestigious position under Head S. He is not an unfair man, and he will reward your tenacity and loyalty well. Do as he bids, and you will bring glory to our family name, and surely place us high in the eyes of our master as He watches. When the day of His release comes, we will bask in His glory!   Take Cruthers with you. He will act as a vital link back to us in Sergis, and he knows the ins and outs of our organisation as well as any full-bled member. I will also arrange for Nime to be bound to your service. Our arrangement with her masters will allow me to acquire more like her soon enough. She will protect you well.   Until the Seven Heads become One, Grandson.   Head J

Letter from N to S

S, my love,   It has been some time since I last had occasion to write to you. I am sorry for that. I hate how far we have been apart since we were both Bled. However, His needs come before our own worldly desires, and I know that, once He is free, we shall be together again.   Head F has instructed me to write to you, to thank you personally for passing on the information regarding the location of the twin swords. Knowing they are in Torfe advances the goals of The Order significantly. And remember, if The Order finds success, so, therefore, do we. As discussed with Head S, Head F will be dispatching extra hands to Torfe from our own circles here in Talemberg and Saloess, as well as dispatching members of The Order. Should they have the need, please assist them in and around Leviva however you can.   Until the Seven Heads become One, Brother, I remain ever yours.   Your N

Horse Thievery

Esme told Levi once that she had stolen her father's horse to avoid telling her about the serious convesation she'd had with Acey. It was a bit of a panicked moment for Esme and she wanted to make herself seem more impressive in Levi's eyes.


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