Orcs Species in Caerwyn | World Anvil


Ask any Imperial citizen about the Orcs and they are likely to tell you one of two things. For most citizens, the Orcs are thing of myth, with tales of their great battles against unknown beasts often told in taverns and inns across the Empire. Those lucky enough to hear from an Orkskald are treated to a grand and rich history, fraught with danger and briming with heroic deeds. Indeed, all citizens of the Empire have heard the stories set down in the Xisvarnaðr - tales of Ceannaire Raghild the Bladesinger, who singlehandedly felled the great Skaði - a dire wolf of immense size and power.   Those lucky enough to have experience Orcish culture first hand will likely tell you of the Clansongs, an oral tradition passed down from warrior to warrior, with each adding their own accomplishments to the tale. The songs can often be hundreds of verses long and learning them is often considered a rite of passage in the Orcish culture. If they are especially lucky, they will have had the chance to sample the great variety of Orcish cuisine, made with rare spices and ingredients. Indeed, Orcish feasts are an event in and of themselves [...]  
Caerwyn by the Cultures
Memdir Daergel
  The Orcs of Caerwyn brave the most inhospitable places, from the Northern Reaches to the sourthern Wild Lands. Fierce warriors, fine poets, and wonderful cooks, the Orcs are at once a race to be envied and respected.  

Northern Reaches

  In the Northern Reaches, the Orcs fight to protect the realm from the great beasts and monsters that sometimes slip through the Evermist from the Outlands. Great golems of snow, dire wolves, and frost witherlings are but some of the dangers that Orcs protect us from. At times, Witherlings will form small organized groups and have even been known to create small armies. It's believed that left unchecked, the monsters and beasts of the North would eventually organize into a force strong enough to overtake the Empire. The Orcs, along with some special operation teams of the The Caerwynite Army, ensure that the dangers are quelled before this can happen.  

Kaksifüng sar ya Nih

The Kaksifüng sar ya Nih (Leader of the North) is the highest position that an Orc can attain. This individual acts as the  

Wild Lands


Across the Realm

Additional Information

Facial characteristics


Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male Names
Dürdü /ˈdɨrdɨ/, Chüh /ʧɨh/, Adfü /ˈɛdfɨ/   Female Names
Mü /mɨ/, Chüpti /ˈʧɨptə/, Nalʻü /nɛlˈʔɨ/, Ülʻa /ˈɨlʔɛ/   Clan Names
Aʻaw /ˈɛʔɛw/, Niksa /ˈnəksɛ/, Nilgi /nəlˈgə/, Imüma /ˈəmɨmɛ/
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Diasporic Races
50 years
Average Height
6' - 7'
Average Weight
230-280 lbs
Geographic Distribution

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