Adella Character in Caelum Prime | World Anvil


Mental characteristics

Personal history

She is the only doll made out of Enchanted Silvermist Yarn that Scarlett Forge crafted.   She thinks that she is a real person, a little girl and Scarlett Forge's daughter. She's lonely and so she goes out to find someone to play with. When she encounters the Lost Dragon Tribe, she's excited. But she quickly learns that she can't enter the clearing where they live.   To ease her loneliness, she would lure members of the Lost Dragon Tribe into the Old Willow Woods where she could play with them. She found when she touched them, the person would turn into a smaller sized doll that could still play with her, at least until the two returned to Scarlett Forge's cottage.   Adella was mad when Scarlett Forge moved out of the forest and started having children. Out of jealousy, rage and fear, Adella would lure Scarlett Forge's daughters into a magickal door that turns them into dolls. She can't do the boys because they are immune for some reason.   Adella "died" when Scarlett Forge turned into an Eaters. It was Scarlett Forge's magick that was keeping her "alive".
Current Status
Creating other dolls to bring to Scarlett Forge
Current Location
Related Plots

Cover image: by Lady Wynter
Character Portrait image: by Lady Wynter