The Bluevein River Geographic Location in Boros | World Anvil
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The Bluevein River

The longest river in Varda starts its journey in the northwest corner of the territory in the The Greater Cairnheels. It is the lifeblood of many settlements along the way, emptying out to sea in the capital, Varderal.


Estimates place the length of the river near 330 miles long and about 8 miles at its widest during the springs floods, though typically 6 miles at regular levels of flow the rest of the year.

Fauna & Flora

The river's ecosystem is quite expansive with emergent plants that include bulrushes, cattails, flowering rush and much more. During the spring and summer insects provide large amounts of food for the many fish and amphibians along the banks of the Bluevein. The trees and brush along its curving banks also allow for plentiful nesting habitats for birds, aquatic mammals, and aquatic reptiles like snakes and the like.   It is uncommon to find nymphs or dryads in the river near the many villages and settlements that dot the banks of Big Blue, but in some of its inlets and coves they, and other water spirits can be found. Just hope it's not a hag or an angry hippocampus...

Natural Resources

Without a doubt the most important resource of the Bluevein is the water that fills its banks. Without it, every other aspect of its ecosystem and its usefulness as a resource would not exist. That said, fish, waterfowl, and assorted water-reliant resources are a constant, unless tampered with of course.
Alternative Name(s)
Big Blue
Location under


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