Valdoral Settlement in Boros | World Anvil
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Capital of the Kingdom of Valdor, this city sits on the topmost reaches of the Bay of Valdor. Protected from the worst of the storms thanks to this feature, Valdoral has been able to focus its resources on shoring its defenses for its nearest neighbor, Iskaris. The seat of the power of all of Valdor, it is from here that many of the royal edicts arise, though it does usually take some time for those messages to reach the far-flung places of the realm, such as Wreath and Ceplic. Still, it is the cultural, economic, and educational center of Valdor where almost any need or want can be satisfied. Money isn't always the item in question though, as connections are important too in any city.


Dominant: Human Minority: Half-Elves, Halfling, Enclave: Tieflings, Goliath, Dragonborn, Gnome, Elf, Dwarf, Groups: Genasi, Beastfolk (Aarakocra, Yuan-Ti, Tabaxi, Tortles, Kenku, Luxodon, etc.) Goblinoids Individuals: Drow Elves Singular: Dragon
Alternative Name(s)
The Restless City
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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