Speedy's Organization in Borgalor | World Anvil
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Kmúþic: Jakmúlor /jaːkhmulɔːr/

Speedy's is one of Borgalor's largest fast food chains, specializing in various dishes that include fried bird-like parts of both equine and suine hippalektryons as well as poultry such as pearl-hens, Palm Fowl and Taiga Grouse, usually served with mandrake fries and a variety of sauces on the side.
The chain is one of several that originated in southwestern Jælondis prior to the region's desolation following the Fell Wars, and since relocating to Númra in the Southlands has become one of the few that have since expanded internationally, particularly in Örkraz and central Jælondis.
Speedy's logo is a winged pearl-hen drumstick above the company's name, written in Jekralonic script. Originally painted purple to advertise the food being fit for royalty, in some countries the logo is now royal blue instead due to sumptuary laws, which also applies to the chain's general colour scheme as well.

Logo of Speedy's

Logo of Speedy's by Lappalingur

Corporation, Food Industry


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