Númric Language in Borgalor | World Anvil
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Númric: Númripó /nuːmrɪphouː/
Berekric: Númranipó /nuːmraːnɪphouː/
Jekralonic: Númropóx /nuːmrɔphouːks/, númranopóx (archaic) /numraːnɔphouːks/
Númric1 is a human language spoken primarily by the Númrans of central Rúþría in the northern Southlands and is the official language of the republic of Númra, though its use has spread throughout Borgalor due to the influence of númran culture and media. It evolved from berekric, language of the Berekríans who founded Númra, as the people there invented or adapted pre-existing words to describe plants, animals and other aspects of their southlandic environment, and became influenced by speakers of various other languages who moved to Númra as well.

Writing System

Númric, like many other human modern human languages, is written using jekralonic syllabary, which has all but replaced the berekric one since the Númra's independence, though the latter is still offered in certain schools to study.

Some Words

  • Hemó: President
  • Rik: South
  • Rúl: New
  • Þók: North

  • 1Original icelandic: númríska.


    7 Words.
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