Gjúrks Ethnicity in Borgalor | World Anvil
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Gjúrks is a general term for the different orcish tribes inhabiting the republic of Úgjúrk-ne in southwestern Örkraz as a whole, though it's rare for the people there to refer to themselves as such as opposed to their tribe's name.
While their languages, customs and beliefs vary quite a bit, their proximity and frequent contact with each other within a similar environment -characterized by semitropical woodlands and extensive columnar basalt formations- has caused certain traditions to be adopted by most tribes, such as the use of basalt columns in art and architecture; terrace farming, and importance of Land Crocodiles for meat and skins.
As in Agg-Ahlún in western Örkraz, gjúrkic culture is the among those most people of Borgalor are familiar with when it comes to Örkraz due to the amount of tourists visiting the country each year.




Gjúrkic architecture makes extensive use of basalt columns -far greater than in neighbouring countries in the region-, sometimes warped into certain shapes using magic and -depending on the region- intricately carved, painted or encrusted with precious- or semi-precious stones.
Other parts of the buildings are constructed using more common materials such as wood, woven screens and dried palm leaves.
Sculptures depicting the spirits of famous people are common throughout the country, each carved from a basalt column and believed to keep evil at bay.  


Tubers, cane sugar, cloves and other spices, fish, land crocodiles and their semiaquatic cousins form the mainstay of most gjúrkic tribes' diet, with more

Detail of the parliament building in Gjar by Lappalingur

regional cuisines featuring seafood, unopened sugarcane flowers and coconut milk. Palm Fowl, ubiquitous in most southern örkrazic cuisines, is rarely eaten by gjúrks, who generally prefer the meat of land crocodiles or -more recently- pork.


Most gjúrks use a common tongue and writing system both known as hihjúrr when conversing with those outside their own tribes, though a few creole languages are used to certain extent as well in certain regions of Úgjúrk-ne.

1Original icelandic: Gjúrkar, singular: Gjúrki.
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