Þ'iþí Organization in Borgalor | World Anvil
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Þiðic: Þ'iþí /θʼɪθiː/
Archaic: Þjiþí /θɥɪːθi/
Þamtic: Þid /θɪːt/
Fjúnic: Þís /θiːs/
Númric: Jötor Bþetes /jœthhɔːr pθɛthɛːs/

Þ'iþí was a country in what is now western Amþax in southwestern Jælondis, one of several countries that once existed in the region prior to the Fell Wars forty years ago. It was home to the elven Þiðans, the vast majority of whom now live in Þidírar, an autonomous region of New Þamta in the Southlands, and the rest are mostly found in Erenúm in western Jælondis.
Centered on the city of F'eno to the north, Þ'iþí was ruled by the Eþ'óhjag Dynasty -more commonly known as the Eþójagids- for most of its existence, beginning with the founder Eþ'ó lasting until the reign of Fif', during which the þiðans abolished the monarchy and became a republic in 85 BF. The country's last president was Hjifvo F'enofei.
Þ'iþí was a major producer of wine (including crimson glory wine) and cork.   Before its destruction in the Fell Wars, Þ'iþí was divided into five provinces, along with a disputed strip of land near Avóðans to the east. These provinces were:
  • Fjoneif /fɥɔːneif/ to the south.
  • Fvaf' /βaːfʼ/ at the center.
  • Íjef /iɥɛːf/ to the north, where the capital of F'eno was located.
  • Vohjó /vɔːçouː/ to the southwest.
  • Þ'ógð /θʼouːɣð/ to the east.

  • Like many other countries in Jælondis, Þ'iþí established a colony in the Southlands, namely Anþ'ei in the eastern part of the continent, which encompassed much the same area as Þidírar.


    Conquered by Jörgalía during the Fell Wars.
    Geopolitical, Republic
    Government System
    Democracy, Parliamentary
    Power Structure
    Unitary state
    Economic System
    Mixed economy
    Þegða /θɛːɣðaː/
    Official Languages
    Related Ethnicities


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