Faith of the Light Organization in Blivera | World Anvil
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Faith of the Light


At the top, the High Alban is the faith leader. He sits on the king's council and has immense power due to being the primary owner of all assets of the church.   Below him, there are many albans who each take charge of a temple and lead the services there. Most of these answer to arch-albans, who direct the albans within a specific region. Many arch-albans work closely with earls and sometimes even high earls.

Public Agenda

The religion believes in the pantheon of gods,


As the only recognised religion in Eremere, the Faith in the White gain full support of the nobility and crucially the crown, enabling them to receive significant funding from across the kingdom. Because of this, they own many ancient artefacts, both religious and non-religious, as well as fabulous temples. They also own a significant amount of land and rent it out to citizens.

Mythology & Lore

The Faith of the Light is a pantheon religion, worshipping eight gods and shunning one. The eight each have their own individual domains, as listed above, with their king being Lumar and their queen Viola.  


As well as the gods, the Faith of the Light holds paragons in high regard. These are legendary human figures who have been canonised as possessing desirable characteristics. Paragons usually have a particular domain of their own, splitting the gods' responsibilities into less centralised figures. For example, Sir Oris 'Shellskin' is the paragon of loyalty and duelling prowess, while Daldriana Whitehart is the paragon of military strategy and to some women in battle.

Tenets of Faith

For followers:
  • Worship to the good gods and goddesses, chiefly the Lady of White.
  • All dead must be buried in a temple or burnt, with ashes blessed by an alban who scattered on sacred ground.
  • The king is the servant of the Lady of White and is therefore highly sacred.
  • The Lord of Black must be resisted and hated.
  • The High Alban is the ultimate authority on what the Lady of White desires and must be obeyed by everyone.
  For albans:
  • Celibacy
  • Utter adherence to what the high alban commands.
  Failure to follow the Faith's rules can be grounds for excommunication and albans can face prison.


Albans are appointed by high earls in association with current other albans and arch-albans in their high earldom. Arch-albans are appointed by the high alban with some input from the king. The high alban is voted for amongst the arch-albans by the arch-albans.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The high alban sits on the king's council and is the faith leader of the only recognised religion in Eremere. He therefore wields immense power in court.

Into Light

Founding Date
Circa 2000 ED
Religious, Organised Religion
Related Ethnicities
Related Myths


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