Far Eyes Condition in Binaka | World Anvil

Far Eyes

Shaiŗan looked uncertainly at the small vial of dark, swirling liquid.   "Trust me. It's the best thing you've ever had."   She wasn't sure she should trust her new "friend," but she was determined to prove her worth. She carefully broke the wax seal. The slightly acrid smell of the voqīshodai tickled her nostrils as she brought the vial to her lips. The liquid caused her tongue to tingle, tasting sweet but sharp. She swallowed, her throat tingling as had her tongue.   Dīlaub smiled slightly as the girl swallowed. "Tikai will be proud that I have another customer," he thought. His smile turned to horror as her expression blanked and she looked up into the sky, her eyes filling with inky blackness with flecks of white.

Transmission & Vectors

Far eyes is a very rare but deadly side effect of voqīshodai, an illicit drug produced in the Principality of Ptau also known as dragon blood.


  • Both eyes turn completely dark blue to black, with flecks of white floating about. Most describe it as a resembling the night sky.
  • Patient looks to the sky, eyes unblinking, with a blank expression. If indoors, they look where the sky would be.
  • Patient becomes unresponsive and does not move except to keep looking toward the sky.
  • Patient does not resist being moved, but does not voluntarily move.
  • Involuntary beyond breathing and heart beat cease.


As involutary responses of the body cease, the body slowly poisons itself. However, due to the boost provided by the dragon blood and some unknown process, the patient can remain alive from two to fifteen days. If not moved, they remain in the same pose and same postion until death.   On rare occasions the patient will awake briefly from the trance. In these cases they will stare at the closest person to them and speak in an unknown gutteral language. The duration of the speech can be from a phrase to hours of speech. Upon finishing, the patient returns to the trance and dies within 10 minutes.

Affected Groups

The races closest to human appear to be affected. Shifter are not known to be affected. Far eyes is more common among magic sensitives than those who are not sensitive to magic. It is unknown what other factors may affect susceptibility.
Chemical Compound
Extremely Rare
Affected Species

Cover image: Scotland Cliffs by Frank Winkler


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