Biera Character in Beren'Dor | World Anvil


"Respect the wolves of winter, lest they bring Biera's breath." - A Warning from a Bieran priest


  • Winter
  • Death
  • Hearth, Home & Family
  • War

Clerical Domain

  • Tempest
  • Grave
  • Light
  • War

Biera is the god of winter, presiding over the ending of things. He shepherds the dead, and is responsible for conducting souls to the judgement of Shaddai so that they may begin their afterlife. Soldiers tend to pray to or worsphip to Biera, that he would bring death to their enemies, or that if they should be wounded, that he would be merciful to them and not take them too soon, or to make their journey to the afterlife a painless one. As a result, Biera is also often seen as a 'god of war,' a fact which most clerics and priests of Biera irritably work to discourage, though after several hundred years have not been able to do.


Biera is also the god of hearth, home, and family. Since earliest memory, winter has brought people together over camp fires, and around fireplaces. When a family moves into a new house, the doorway is often anointed with oil, and they ask Biera to bless the home, that it would know peace, safety, and comfort.


Biera is often depicted as a blue-skinned, ax-wielding warrior with a long white beard, icy blue eyes, and two giant white wolves with chain leashes which he holds. Other stories tell of him wearing simple clothes with two giant white wolves never far from his side. Theologians of Biera believe that both depictions are accurate, and that in each case they simply find Biera in different states, much like anyone else would be. However all accounts agree that his breath is the essence of winter, and the absence of life. Every story that tells tale of Biera in battle makes mention of this.


For those lands without a true winter, or in places where the god of winter is said to be 'weaker', he is still known for presiding over those other domains: hearth, home, family, protection, and the dead.


Typically, the symbol of Biera is a silver wolf's head on a field of white, or some variation of this theme.

Divine Domains

  • Winter
  • Death & dying
  • Hearth, home & family
  • The ending of things (a journey's end, finishing a job, ending a relationship)
Divine Classification
icy blue


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