Safehouse Plot in Beourjen | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Safehouse is part escape room, part mini-mystery, and part interactive fiction. While you don't technically have to solve the puzzles and mystery to escape, the adventure does reward your more inquisitive endeavors; to find out what exactly is going on you'll need to explore your surroundings. Any part of this article may be a clue, and by solving the puzzle you should be able to figure out who you are, why you're here, and where a certain important object is located.

How To Play

All you really need is yourself! However, a pen and piece of paper may be useful for notetaking as well as keeping track of stats. For timing, I envisioned this to take a couple hours, however it could take less or more time depending on how you play. You can look to the sidebar for how to set up your paper, as well as a couple general hints if needed, and when you're ready go to the first room to start exploring.

Set Up Your Paper:

Your Name


Make sure to save some space for notes on your paper if you plan on doing the puzzles.

*hints (scroll down only if needed)*

1. There are seven descendents of the High Lord of your House (including the deceased), so there are seven names to look for.

2. In arranging memories, also look at the names.

3. For some odd-sounding phrases/sentences, it may be helpful to look them up.

4. Some of the puzzles are cryptics.

Part One

Adventure April Test
NOTE: Only open the boxes when prompted.
You can either try to untie the rope, or simply wrangle out of the chair using your strength.
Untie the rope.
Add 1 to your wisdom.
Wrangle out of the chair.
Add 1 to your strength.

Then return to the map.
House Osteron Portrait


Tobias is dying, only two years after his mother. You and B are in the room when he takes his last breath. Your brother looks at you, and then at the wood he’s still holding. He will not be able to play anymore—the High Lord will not let him.

You arrive home, but your father looks past you to the rose, to the chain. He rips it off—little stones fall and clatter on the floor. Myrid is behind him, looking scornfully at them. There is another flower next to her. You are all there.

Later, your father brings the rose to Fort Brickard, and keeps the chain for himself.


A comrade sends you to the ground—you don’t remember who, and really, it doesn’t matter—and there is red, myriad of red. You cup the right socket, your hand filling with viscous and red, blinded in pain. And Myridan above you, frantic. Only she and her own came to watch you, and now she presses her hand to your face, a crowbar case.

Look at that sword. That is a nice sword.

It's actually not, but it's still a weapon. Roll a strength check to try and grab it. If you get a 4+, add Sword to your inventory.

aa adventure houses of dignity puzzle



The High Lord has sent all his boys out to the grounds but you are not upset by this; you enjoy the work, in fact, and you bastards are looking to pursue it further. Ba is called, and you look over to the herd just across the fence. Fence, fencing. A man of the truth—the laws and histories—greets him and when they shake you notice his hands, dirtied and rough.

Myr, myrh, myrhh. It’s myrhh, is what she tells him, that is what he’s tasting. She tells him that it will do him good, and finishes pouring the wine. He does not notice the gloves of our lady.

Your brother is to be the High Lord after, but he doesn’t want to, he wants to play. You are across the room, and you watch him pick at strings, the flower swaying next to him. They will both soon be tied; it is your father’s will.


Is it father you should worry about or Myrida? With your brother out of the line, you are arguably next. But ‘arguably’ is the key. Violet goes to your sister in the middle of the night, a glint between her fingers. On the moon they wore feathers in their hair, and rubies on their hands. She drops it into your sister’s waiting hands, assuring her that father won’t miss it—it was sitting in the High Lady’s box and besides, their bloody fingers left him otherwise occupied.


The rose is wilting, reddened face. Your sisters are both comforting. And there is more red, myriad of red, Myri asks of red. It is not the rose’s, don’t worry, it is his. Your eldest sister frowns. They will bring his House to another house, to cut this knot. They plan to do it before father finds out the rose has wilted.

Down The Hall

You peek out into the hallway, and can just make out a tall figure at the other end. The lighting out here is minimal, constrained to two hooded lanterns halfway down, but enough that you discern a sheathed blade at the figure's side.

-You're strong, and skilled, enough to take them.
-It shouldn't be too difficult to sneak past in the shadows.

Pull a Sneaky
> Click to reveal
Staying close to the edge of the wall, you creep slowly down along the hallway. As you get closer, your attention briefly catches on the slight sheen of their gloves. There's a sort of polymer coating on the fingertips, and back and front of the palms, the type of material used for handling reactive arcanium.

Roll wisdom as you continue sneaking.

-4 or less


A Proper Fight
> Click to reveal
The figure turns just as you are approaching, their face hidden by mask and ink and hood. They pull out a thin blade, about equal in length to your own, and you both fall into combat. Surprisingly, it comes rather naturally to you, the way an old and familiar skill might. But the figure is skilled as well. . .

Roll for strength.

-1 or less

Run In Swinging
> Click to reveal
You get close enough to make out the red embroidery on their overcoat. A chaska, one of the nobility's private and secret police, though you're not sure why there's one here. They turn, and you see their mouth curl. The rest of their face is obscured under mask and ink and hood.

Roll for strength.

-4 or less


No More Than A Shadow
> Click to reveal
You spent years sneaking out of your own House to meet men and women; slipping past a single, unaware guard is child's play. In keeping to the shadows, you creep behind the guard just as they're turning toward the far end of the hallway. You find your way into the next room easily enough.
Not So Stealthy
> Click to reveal
You begin to make your way down the hall, but just as you're about to creep past the guard, they turn and meet your gaze. Well, fuck your original plan. You don't have time to draw a blade—or perhaps you don't think of it, since your wisdom sucks—so hopefully your hand-to-hand is better than your sneaking skills.

Roll for strength.

-4 or less


Lost your Blade
> Click to reveal
The figure grunts on the next riposte, and your rapier is knocked from your grip. It clatters to the floor, but your opponent's blade is on your shoulder, a finger's width from your neck before you can move.

-Time to switch tactics. Try to run past them.
-Ugh. You'll use your bare hands if you have to. Knock their sword away and take a swing.

The Better Swordsman
> Click to reveal
By the Second, you're good. You wear out your opponent until you're able to knock their sword from their grasp, and then kick their legs out from under them as they stumble. They fall to the ground, their head knocking against the hardwood.

-The fight doesn't end until one of you is dead.
-It is not your place to take their life.


Run Away
> Click to reveal
You turn on your heel and start to run back down the hall, but then realize—you have nowhere to run to except back to the room you just came from.

-Whatever. Back to square one. At least locking yourself in the first room will buy you some time.
-You hesitate and stop running, like a fool.

Got You!
> Click to reveal
Before you can move, your opponent has grabbed your arm, shoving you against the wall. Looks like there's no chance in running away, even if you wanted to.

Subtract 1 strength for being a runaway wuss.

You should probably fight back before your strength modifier gets any lower. Roll for strength.
-4 or less


Out Cold
> Click to reveal
You get in one swing before your adversary is on you. They don't even bother pulling out their blade—one uppercut directly at your stomach and you feel yourself keeling. If there was anything in there, you might've vomited. As it is, you simply dryheave, gasping. And then another fist, and your world goes black.

Subtract 1 from both strength and wisdom. Then return bound to your chair, and try again.
A Close Call
> Click to reveal
Your first swing connects with their nose. Really, you're not sure how you pull it off considering your current decrepit state, but you grapple with them for a minute or two, and then manage to land another hit in the same spot. Blood runs down their overcoat. They crumple to the floor, half pulling you with them.

-You should finish them off, just to be safe.
-As the Second shall have mercy on your soul, so shall you have mercy on your foes.


First Kill
> Click to reveal
You take their blade, now that they are too weakened to wield it, and slit their throat. The proper way to fell one's adversary, according to Axen. Blood spills out, and you let the body drop with a thud. You figure there's no need to be quiet; if there were any other guards, they would've heard the sounds of your scuffle already.

Time to get out of here before someone else returns to find your victim. Finish making your way down the hall.

Casper's Grace
> Click to reveal
Well, you can't simply leave them here either. You settle for dragging them back to the room, and deposit them in your chair. Get the bag over their head, and tie their hands as best you can. Two fingers on their wrist tells of their steady pulse.

Put Casper's Blessing in inventory, and finish making your way down the hall.


Part Two

Adventure April Room 2

aa adventure orev's puzzle
aa eyeball puzzle


A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, and she has always been the sweetest. Dahlia, lilac. . . Bas gives her a diamond. He doesn’t want it, but she does. A High Lord of her own and she is in love, she will leave, loathe, for love soon. You frown as she pockets the jewel. You forget to tell her on her way out—mind the door that swings both ways.

Bastian carries you in to the witch. You have never seen her before, but your brother knows her. The eldest does too. The witch pricks you with a bit of coca koller. Across the room there is fire, melting, the chain made anew. Only one stone, a tiny globe, and as it passes overhead your world is already falling away.

Your father is arguing with My about the fate of the necklace. He says it must go to the rightful heir, that was what the witch said. She argues that she is the oldest, that its power is her right. He asks if she will agree to a match then. She says she never will.

You grit your teeth, and begin working at the knot on the sash.

Roll a Wisdom check to try and untangle the knot. If you get a 4+, add Black Sash to your inventory.


You are on leave for the season—the second flowering season, and she brings you and your nephew to another house, for play. To play, the play? And with the season you are reunited with the rose, wilted and now tied to Brick, and the annalist. He speaks of Bastia: Un cœur à contenir l'empire du monde! You see your brother far below, with his bow and string, and for once you are all together outside of father’s chain.

The High Lady is dying. She is not yours (yours is a fish, a horse) but you feel a deep grief for her death as you sit nestled on the sofa with M and your nephew. Tobias is crying in the other room with your older brother and the flowers. You hear your father attempting to speak with them in between the cries, telling them how her pendant will now go to his chosen heir: his junior and the youngest of his children, ironically.

It goes well. Null goes well? A null?—your sister loses her love, her loathe, and her leave soon. You, Bast, bastard came with. There were several judges; you brush by one on your way out. Dirtied and rough. That was how the trial was, but it is over now thankfully.


Basti comes to see you and your nephew at your quarters, and to tell you that he is taking up an apprenticeship. To annal his own betrothal. . . he is the second of your kin to leave, the third if you count Tobias. You pray that the High Lord does not turn on you when you return home.

The Escape

You open the door and step out into a narrow alley, the night air still and crisp. No one is around, at least not for the moment, and so after gathering your wits and bearings, you make your way to the alley's head. From here, you can orient yourself within the city—you're on the far east of South Beourjen, just below the wall and on the periphery of the Loched Quarter. But where to go from here?

Your House
> Click to reveal
You set off for your family House. . . you've figured out to which House you belong then, presumably?

The Steel Palace
> Click to reveal
You make your way across the city to the towering citadel, wide stone steps leading up to the main body. The Hall of Justice is closed, though, so you couldn't have come here for that.

-No, you came here for the Hall of Annals.
-Your destination is on the left, at the High Guards' headquarters. Specifically, the barracks.


The University
> Click to reveal
It's a short walk to the university, but then the gates come into view, barred and chained. Of course. It's nearly midnight; whoever you're seeking won't be here at this hour.

-They'll be at home, at your House.
-Fort Brickard, perhaps?

Fort Brickard
> Click to reveal
You find your way across the Obsidian, to the high iron walls of the fortress. You've never been here before - never had any reason to - and the guard atop the balustrade narrows his eyes at you, sneering almost.

"Your business, lad?"

-"I seek asylum from the law. There are people after me."
-"I'm here to see my sister, Delila."
-"I'm here to see my sister, Vasquira."
-"I have an appointment with Captain Leidevelt."


A Bit Far Off
> Click to reveal
Riiight, except. . . they're not even in western Beourjen, let alone the city. And you're fairly certain the capital is your homeland.

-No, you're not mistaken; this is your House.
-Ah, fuck. You actually don't know which House is yours.

A Fallen House
> Click to reveal
House Marnise? You mean the House Marnise that fell fifty years ago, when the family was executed and/or guillotined in its entirety?

-Hehe, no, it was just a jest. You're from a different House, actually.
-In all honesty you haven't a clue which House is yours.
-One of their brethren could've escaped, and it could be you. Perhaps?


The Rose
> Click to reveal
The guard gives a low sigh.

"Her, ah - her surname?"

Turned from the Gates
> Click to reveal
The guard looks at you, his expression shifting momentarily to pity. You think; it's difficult to tell between the fangs and earthen pallor. Then it's stony, resolute.

"We do not offer asylum," he gruffs, "and we keep away from issues with the law. Too messy." He looks at you another moment, and then nods his head as if to say, get on.

-"It'll get messier if you refuse me."
-Time to find another path, you suppose.


The Brickard Captain
> Click to reveal
"Leidevelt?" The guard's brow furrows, and then straightens. "I, uh-" He sniffs. "I did hear about his new. . . lady. Bit of a bitter situation." There's an awkward pause, and then the guard seems to straighten himsef out again. He gives you curt directions to the Leidevelt's apartments, and you thank him with equal curtness.

-Onto to the Leidevelt's.
-Wait, are you certain? Perhaps Brickard isn't where you meant to go.

A Laughable Idea
> Click to reveal
To your surprise, the guard snorts. "Fuck the Second's and mine. You think there's anyone holding that name inside here?" He scoffs at you. "Fuck off, then."

-"You would tell off a nobleman like such? You know what I think?"
-You give the guard a modest nod. "Er - yes, thank you," and turn away from the gate. There must be somewhere else to go.


The Barracks
> Click to reveal
You enter the main barracks, and find your way to your own residential quarters - perhaps on muscle memory, or because your identity and history are slowly coming back to you. In the dim lanternlight, you look across a long room, dozens of bunks, seeking a familiar face.

Hall of Annals
> Click to reveal
You descend down the narrow steps leading to the Hall of Annals, and come to a set of ornate wooden doors. You knock - there is a resounding echo and then, after several long moments, the doors crack to reveal a coarse slip of face. The hand wrapping the edge of the door is rough and dirtied, as though from farmwork. Not particularly odd in this province, but odd for an annalist.


-"Is Orev there?
-"Is Vasquira there?"
-"Is Bastian there?"


The Other Bastard
> Click to reveal
Most of the soldiers are either asleep, or ignore you, but one turns at your words, his face struck with a mix of bewilderment and concern. He straightens up as you approach, his eyes shifting as though examining you for. . . something.


You nod fervently, taking in his shaved head, dark brows and beard, the regiment patch on his shirt shoulder. Roll Wisdom.

-2 or less

Mixing Names
> Click to reveal
Most of the soldiers are either asleep, or ignore you, but one turns at your words, his face struck with a mix of bewilderment and concern. He straightens up as you approach, his eyes shifting as though examining you for. . . something.


You nod fervently, taking in his shaved head, dark brows and beard, the regiment patch on his shirt shoulder. Roll Wisdom.

-2 or less


> Click to reveal
The man reaches out to your chin, turns your face slightly. "Mum said it was bad," he murmurs, and then his frown deepens. "I thought you were staying at the House?"

You begin to recount all that's happened - or rather, what you know of what's happened - as well as your current predicament in a frantic, jarbled sort of manner before the man stops you.

"Let's, er. . . let's head to the mess hall, get you some food. And water. Then we'll figure things out, alright?"

You've found Orev and are safe.

Cast Back Out
> Click to reveal
The man opens his mouth, something on the tip of his tongue but then he sputters, chuckles nervously. Still staring. "Sorry, I - I think you must be lost, sir."

You take in his words, then his awkward nod as he bids you good luck and utters another, "Sorry." As if he momentarily thought you were someone else.

-Your own kin doesn't recognize you! There is no path for you but despair, it seems.


Lone Wanderer
> Click to reveal
You wander the streets more or less aimlessly for the better part of an hour. Eventually, you begin to feel shadows heavy on your back. . .

Did you kill the guard earlier?

-Of course you did, you're not one to leave a job unfinished.
-No, you are not the type for needless violence.

Apartment Hunting
> Click to reveal
You follow the guard's directions to the Leidevelt's, in one of the many aging brownstones lining the east side of Fort Brickard. When you knock on the door, you hear someone bark back, "A moment," before footsteps thud across on the other side.

A man opens the door, broad-shouldered and weary-eyed. He looks about as welcoming as the guard out front, and blinks at you before narrowing his eyes in uncertainty.

Do you have Casper's Blessing?



> Click to reveal
You make your way across the city to House Osteron, familiarity sweeping you like a wave. One light still appears to be on downstairs - the drawing room, if you recall correctly.

You approach the door, knock twice. Hear the soft click of footsteps, and then a pause before the latch is undone. The door opens, revealing a tall, austere-looking woman whose face softens immediately upon seeing you. A low breath of relief escapes her lips.

-Hug her.
if you have Sword in your inventory:
-Murder her.

> Click to reveal
You make your way across the city to House Duxtour, an extravagant stone manor and repose amongst the rest of the grimy, sputtering city. One light still appears to be on downstairs - the drawing room, if you recall correctly.

You approach the door, knock twice. Hear the soft click of footsteps, and then a pause before the latch is undone. The door opens, revealing a tall, severe-looking man whose face lapses to confusion before apparently recognizing and smiling warmly at you.

"Aurris, come in, come in." He steps aside to let you in.

-Enter the House.
if you have Sword in your inventory:
-Murder him.


> Click to reveal
Your sister is not expecting it, so the sword spears her stomach before she even knows what is happening. She gasps - it sounds reproachful, somehow, to you - and then falls to the ground.

You drag her body inside, closing the door behind you, and then make your way upstairs to your father's room. He is in bed; he is always in bed these days, and will likely die soon either from the poison or his old age, or perhaps even your sword in the coming moments.

You've killed Myridan, and are the next heir to House Osteron. You're safe for now. . . but not indefinitely.

Sweet Reunion
> Click to reveal
You embrace Myridan - it is an embrace laced with both desperation and relief, and then she ushers you into the House, brushing lint from your shoulders and chiding you on how ragged you look, and where the hell you ran off to last week.

She leads you into the parlor, striking up the stovetop and setting the kettle, listening intently as you dive into the night's events. Her face takes on a dark look, and when you mention the guard and she cuts in to assure you, "I'll have it taken care of," you have no doubt she will.

You've found Myridan and are safe.


Blessings and Curses
> Click to reveal
And you think Axen, or his children, will be amenable to your troubles?

"Fuck off," the man tells you before shutting the door in your face.

-Back to square one then.
-There's nowhere else for you to go except the streets.

A Small Haven
> Click to reveal
"Aurris?" the man asks. You've never met him before, but he beckons you inside the apartments, his movements slow as though dealing with a wild animal. "Delila is, erm, asleep but-" He seems genuinely concerned. "-Are you alright?"

Despite the unfamiliarity, and the discomfort from knowing you're inside Fort Brickard, your desperation drives you to unfold your story upon the orvon. He listens intently, nodding every so often, and when you're finished tells you, "I can set up the sofa for you for tonight, and in the morning you can speak with Delila, and. . . I know some someone - we know someone, who can possibly help." He doesn't further elaborate, but claps your shoulder in some meager pantomime of comfort.

You've found Delila and Daveer Leidevelt and are safe. Your kidnapping will be investigated by their partner.


Leaving the City
> Click to reveal
In clandestine fashion, you leave the capital with nothing but the clothes on you and. . . you might want to put on that sash right about now to cover up any last ties you have to this city.

-Ah, yes the Black Sash you smartly tucked in your inventory.
-Black Sash? Ties to the city?

Stopped at the Gate
> Click to reveal
The guard sighs seemingly in preparation for your dispute and then, in the span of a second, simply pulls what appears to be a miniature crossbow from his back. The bolt, more of a dart really, hits you square in the left shoulder, drawing not blood but rather energy from your already weakened body. You grow dizzy, instantly, and feel yourself crumple where you stand.

You are taken into Brickard custody. Perhaps someone will get you out. Eventually.


Friend in Need
> Click to reveal
A hand touches your shoulder and you spin on your heels, your fist clenched. But the figure that greets you isn't hostile - it's apprehensive but tender, young.

"Gods, just. . . gods, what are you doing?" your sister asks you. She's still outfitted in her school attire, but there is wine and smoke on her breath, and her tie is undone. Still, she is alone and looking over you as though the events from the night prior are plainly written on your face.

"I-" But you struggle to get the words out right here on the streets, and your sister seems to understand.

"Let's get you home," she tells you, and links her arm through your own.

You've found Vasquira and are safe.

Man Down
> Click to reveal
As soon as you turn next, a knife pulls across your throat, drawing out fire and blood and your vision. You cough, or try to, and then choke on it, reaching out your arms to nothingness.

Your life leaks out of you, and the Osteron jewel is lost forever.


Mighty do Fall
> Click to reveal
You drive your sword into the man's stomach, and he keels over it, his last sight being your sneering satisfaction of vengeance. But that feeling is quickly replace by repulsive understanding at the crime you have just committed. A political figure and wealthy nobleman. . . you have tied your own noose, have you not?

-You can still make it out of the city.
-Nothing to do now except wallow and wander about.

Cast Back Out
> Click to reveal
The man's gaze skirts over you too quickly. "No," he says curtly, "You've come to the wrong place. The Hall of Annals is private. And closed this time of night." He pauses, the gives a polite nod and closes the door.

-Time to find another path?


The Annalist
> Click to reveal
"Bastian?" The man's face shifts to dawning. "Bastian! You must be Aurris!" He sputters, and then the door widens. "Come in, come in! Annalist Falkren. Berra Falkren." He ushers you in, pulling you almost, and shuts the door behind you. "Bastian is - let me get Bastian for you."

He crosses the room, disappearing down a narrow hallway, and comes back with another man - your brother - at his side. Bastian sees you, for the first time since he's taken his vows, and stops. Shakes his head, chuckling. It draws out laughter from you as well, as perplexing as it might seem.

You've found Bastian and are safe within the Hall of Annals.

Cutting Ties
> Click to reveal
You tie the sash around your head, hiding your right eye from the world. Then you make your way outside the city gates in the quiet of the night.

You find another path far away from your House, and the Osteron jewel is lost forever.


Memory Bank

This is a compilation of all the memories within the puzzle. They are not in chronological order. . . it's up to you to figure out the order.

-Go back to the first room.
-Go back to the second room.

Memory One
Tobias is dying, only two years after his mother. You and B are in the room when he takes his last breath. Your brother looks at you, and then at the wood he’s still holding. He will not be able to play anymore—the High Lord will not let him.
Memory Two
You arrive home, but your father looks past you to the rose, to the chain. He rips it off—little stones fall and clatter on the floor. Myrid is behind him, looking scornfully at them. There is another flower next to her. You are all there.

Later, your father brings the rose to Fort Brickard, and keeps the chain for himself.

Memory Three
A comrade sends you to the ground—you don’t remember who, and really, it doesn’t matter—and there is red, myriad of red. You cup the right socket, your hand filling with viscous and red, blinded in pain. And Myridan above you, frantic. Only she and her own came to watch you, and now she presses her hand to your face, a crowbar case.

Memory Four
The High Lord has sent all his boys out to the grounds but you are not upset by this; you enjoy the work, in fact, and you bastards are looking to pursue it further. Ba is called, and you look over to the herd just across the fence. Fence, fencing. A man of the truth—the laws and histories—greets him and when they shake you notice his hands, dirtied and rough.
Memory Five
Myr, myrh, myrhh. It’s myrhh, is what she tells him, that is what he’s tasting. She tells him that it will do him good, and finishes pouring the wine. He does not notice the gloves of our lady.

Your brother is to be the High Lord after, but he doesn’t want to, he wants to play. You are across the room, and you watch him pick at strings, the flower swaying next to him. They will both soon be tied; it is your father’s will.

Memory Six
Is it father you should worry about or Myrida? With your brother out of the line, you are arguably next. But ‘arguably’ is the key. Violet goes to your sister in the middle of the night, a glint between her fingers. On the moon they wore feathers in their hair, and rubies on their hands. She drops it into your sister’s waiting hands, assuring her that father won’t miss it—it was sitting in the High Lady’s box and besides, their bloody fingers left him otherwise occupied.

Memory Seven
The rose is wilting, reddened face. Your sisters are both comforting. And there is more red, myriad of red, Myri asks of red. It is not the rose’s, don’t worry, it is his. Your eldest sister frowns. They will bring his House to another house, to cut this knot. They plan to do it before father finds out the rose has wilted.
Memory Eight
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, and she has always been the sweetest. Dahlia, lilac. . . Bas gives her a diamond. He doesn’t want it, but she does. A High Lord of her own and she is in love, she will leave, loathe, for love soon. You frown as she pockets the jewel. You forget to tell her on her way out—mind the door that swings both ways.
Memory Nine
Bastian carries you in to the witch. You have never seen her before, but your brother knows her. The eldest does too. The witch pricks you with a bit of coca koller. Across the room there is fire, melting, the chain made anew. Only one stone, a tiny globe, and as it passes overhead your world is already falling away.

Memory Ten
Your father is arguing with My about the fate of the necklace. He says it must go to the rightful heir, that was what the witch said. She argues that she is the oldest, that its power is her right. He asks if she will agree to a match then. She says she never will.
Memory Eleven
You are on leave for the season—the second flowering season, and she brings you and your nephew to another house, for play. To play, the play? And with the season you are reunited with the rose, wilted and now tied to Brick, and the annalist. He speaks of Bastia: Un cœur à contenir l'empire du monde! You see your brother far below, with his bow and string, and for once you are all together outside of father’s chain.
Memory Twelve
The High Lady is dying. She is not yours (yours is a fish, a horse) but you feel a deep grief for her death as you sit nestled on the sofa with M and your nephew. Tobias is crying in the other room with your older brother and the flowers. You hear your father attempting to speak with them in between the cries, telling them how her pendant will now go to his chosen heir: his junior and the youngest of his children, ironically.

Memory Thirteen
It goes well. Null goes well? A null?—your sister loses her love, her loathe, and her leave soon. You, Bast, bastard came with. There were several judges; you brush by one on your way out. Dirtied and rough. That was how the trial was, but it is over now thankfully.
Memory Fourteen
Basti comes to see you and your nephew at your quarters, and to tell you that he is taking up an apprenticeship. To annal his own betrothal. . . he is the second of your kin to leave, the third if you count Tobias. You pray that the High Lord does not turn on you when you return home.



Author's Notes

All art by mirescosmo (me)
  References (contain puzzle spoilers)

Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare
As I Lay Dying, William Faulkner
Le Fantôm de l'Opéra, Gaston Leroux
We Have Always Lived in the Castle, Shirley Jackson

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May 4, 2023 03:22

Wonderful job on the artwork. I have it bookmarked to do a full playthrough when i get the time, but wanted to say how wonderful the illustrations are.

Feel free to stop by some of my WorldEmber articles if you want. My favorites are The Book of the Unquiet Dead, Outpost of the Moons, and The Emerald Hills. Feedback is always appreciated.
May 6, 2023 03:40

Thank you so much! The illustrations definitely took some time, but I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.