Greyarch Amahra'Shaelaas Character in Belthuran | World Anvil

Greyarch Amahra'Shaelaas

Greyarch Amahra Shaelaas

Physical Description

Body Features

One of the most prominent features is her mix of gold and silver scales, as a hybrid dragon, she is a rare case of two dragon essences merged in one dragon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the same flight as Narolth'T'Saren and others who would help to restore the Draz Tyran to prominence Shaelaas as she was called at the time lived in hiding during the area of the dragon hunters. As with many tales like this, their sanctuary could not last forever, as her flight was leaving to a new safe place at the Flight home of Vartoris'Nemal they were ambushed by a group of dragon hunters whose wind shredding devices took out the wings of the flight leader, the pre-ascension Aren'Valesh. After a brief but bloody battle on the ground, Aren'Valesh made his sacrifice while also teleporting Shaelaas and the surviving flight away from the battle, though not as accurately as he had hoped for they did not arrive in the care of Vartoris'Nemal and instead were isolated in the Dawn Peaks near the old home of Nahkharvo'Kriizein. They eventually made their way south into Etrisium where they found safe shelter and a long-abandoned home for a flight in the southernmost island of the Anrashan Archipelago.   She and her flight brothers and sisters took part in the final battle of the Dark Ages, infiltrating into the castle-golem the dragon hunters had brought to the black gates of the Anrasha. It was during this battle that the god of vengeance himself manifested into the world to reap his vengeance in the cataclysm that brought the world to a standstill as so many were slain.   Many years after that battle and the cataclysm Shaelaas began her duties as a Grey Wyrm, the ones who oversee the cycle of death and rebirth for the dragons. Some centuries before her birth the Vortalon enacted a terrible ritual that cursed those born to the Ouroboros sign, as only these could be the Grey Wyrms. The curse failed in part due to her unique heritage being one of the few hybrid dragons being both Gold and Silver colored. She found a guide who had maintained his sanity in the company of the Heldamari Drazgorra while trapped in the ethereal plane. As she gained in skill in helping dragon souls return to the cycle so to did the population of dragons begin to rise in the world once again.   In the current era, Shaelaas is the Greyarch, the leader of the Grey Wyrms both by deed and experience. She was given access to the Heldamari to help seek out lost dragon souls and return them to the cycle. She is also the head of the efforts to recover and put to rest the remains of dragons who were slain during the dragon hunter's reign.


She learned from the Keeper Aren'Valesh in her youth, the Ouroborus birthsign, and the memory stone Aren'Valesh passed on to Narolth'T'Saren.


The Greyarch, leader of the Grey Wyrms.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Restoring the Grey Wyrms to allow the cycle of death and rebirth to facilitate the repopulation of dragons   Destruction of the Castle-Golem pre Cataclysm (if only by moments)   Found and broke the Vortalon curse allowing new Grey Wyrms to be born

Mental Trauma

The loss of one of her parents when she was young to the dragon hunters, the loss of the Flight leader, and of course the act of communing with the souls of long-dead dragons slain in fear and anger left to fester in the ethereal plane rather than be guided to their peaceful rest until they would be reborn, This includes the anger and sorrow maddened spirit of the past Tyrannus, Sharvaulus’Dorathen who had to remain bound to his remains and the Tyrannus crown as his empire fell into ruins from the actions of the now Vortalon.
Date of Birth
4th of Yanus
Circumstances of Birth
The Birthsign of the Ouroboros
Solid Gold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gold and Silver scales


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