The Four Uplifted Races in Az-Atla Realm of the Lost Moon | World Anvil
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The Four Uplifted Races

Those chosen by the Devouring Mother

Az-Atla is an old place. Before the Devastation Az-Atla was very different. Well it is assumed it was different. We know things were not like they were now, because we have evidence.
One fact that tells us how different pre-Devastation must have been is the four uplifted Races.
The Devouring Mother chose four special species to uplift into people before the Restoration as a first act to begin the world again. While everyone else struggled for their place, four people as old as the Devouring Mother did not. Everyone else evolved.
It is no surprise that the four uplifted people are the most powerful, most numerous and most cherished, and that all other people must prove themselves. In this way the Realm of Az-Atla and the Glory of the Devouring Mother is maintained, nurtured and protected.

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