Elf Species in Az-Atla Realm of the Lost Moon | World Anvil
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Elves are a long lived people. Excessively long lived by many accounts.

Basic Information


Elves are bipedal and symmetrical. They have two legs on which they stand. They have two arms with hands. They have a head, which houses their main organ of cognition. On their head you will also find organs to sense light, sound, and chemical changes. These organs are called, eyes, hears, nose and mouth. Elves use their mouths and body to communicate.
They have two sexes. One sex bears their young.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Elves of Az-Atla live for thousands of years. Elves will leave the homes of their parents typically after their second century. Around their 11th century Elves begin to look 'old.' And, most Elves die due to happenstance or violence.

Ecology and Habitats

Elves will live anywhere they can, but prefer the lands of Nur-ymir
While all Elves come from E’Ila-Murin all Elves leave E’Ila-Murin. Elves can be found throughout Az-Atla.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves have exceptional sight and hearing. Their vision exceeds most races in Az-Atla and allows them to see in dim and almost lightless conditions with ease.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Elves always take the time to be well dressed, clean, and elegant. Even those Elves who take on more rustic lives, or who travel extensively seem to always manage to be well attired. It is known that Elves do not require much sleep, so perhaps they use their extra time to ensure their dress and attire.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Like all upraised peoples of Az-Atla the Elves have developed many varied and diverse sub-cultural groups. Elves that live in Nur-ymir call themselves Wood Elves. Elves that live in the metropolis, like Ur-Moaza call themselves High Elves. There are even Elves who live mostly underground on the Isle of The Child. These Elves have taken then name Dark Elves.


Over 50,000 years ago the Elvish people were uplifted from their pre-rational state. Physically, they were not modified greatly by the Devouring Mother and so do not have a mythology focused on the idea of transformation. Their myths focus on the special status they have because of all of the uplifted peoples, they were the closet to transcendence beyond their base irrational state.

For the Elves there are many indications that they are the favoured of the Devouring Mother. But, the most significant one is the simple fact that they are the people with the most aptitude with Breath and magic.   History tells us they where the "First Chosen" by the Devouring Mother.
I have never met an Elf that wasn't beautiful. Even the ugly ones. You know the ones that have scars, or something.... maybe missing an eye. Even those Elf's are beautiful, in a other-worldly way. That could be why the Devouring Mother loves them so much.
I once met an Elf with only one arm. Just as enchanting as any other Elf and she told a terrible story. Made me tear up.
Harn'so "Black Bone" - Orc Outrigger
Scientific Name
Uplfted from fox like creatures now extinct. Closest earth animal - Fennec Fox
Average Height
Average Weight


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