The Eighth Holyar-Den Item in Az-Atla Realm of the Lost Moon | World Anvil
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The Eighth Holyar-Den

AppDex H: Holyar-Den - Description
Solitude Master Orada-Relius

The Eighth Holyar-Den is a set of simple common hand axes. They a have a unique design in that they are each a made of a single piece of metal. Blade, shaft and handle are all the same piece. They have no ornamentation, and no artistic elements that betray a cultural heritage or lineage. While it may be the case that through the years, others have embellished them by adding to their form, these whimsy ultimately fall away or get destroyed leaving only the Holyar-Den. Always, no matter what the Holyar-Den remains.
This permanency and functional craftsmanship is a hallmark that identifies all Holyar-Den. They always remain untouched, unblemished, and timeless.
No further direction to Junior Agent indoc regarding methods to identify, flag and recover when appropriate this item. This item conforms to shared Holyar'Den qualities.

Currently, this item is not recovered.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

You cut things with them to make those things bleed or break. It's not complicated.
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When a person first uses this item as a weapon they will hear two telepathic voices speaking to them. One voice for each axe. They will identify themselves of Dar'arj and Arj'dar. The two axes contain the souls of two great ancient scientists whose motivation is alien. In order to use the full capacity of the axes, a person must cut themselves on the blades. Once this is done the axes are attuned to the person and the unique powers of the axes can not be used by another, until that attuned person is killed. The personalities of the axes can be played by the GameMaster in anyway they see fits best with the tone and mood of the their game.

Generic Powers:

They receive the following buffs:
+4 To hit.
+4 Dam.
+15 Reach.

Unique Powers:

Teleport Recovery if thrown. Visual range only.

Breath Ability: 1 level of breath to allow 1 person to redact 3 hours of historical time. This period of time starts from when the Breath is first given to the weapon. It will allow the person to adjust reality for three hours. Equipment can be purchased. People warned. Ambushed discovered. Things can be prepared.
This redaction can not ever change the event that triggered the use of this ability. Fights can not be unfought. Secrets can not be unrevealed. And, thus people can not be unpunched, and buildings uncrushed.
Two axes, therefore two people can use this ability at the same time, with the person who said their name the authoritative person.
What does this look like to the out side observer? Nothing, there is no indication that any thing strange has happened to the average person. Things are just where they needed to be, and people are just where they needed to be.
What does this look like to the person using the ability? Reality de-saturates and stops, effectively Faided. After the effect expires, all returns to normal.
What is really going on? The eighth Holyar-den cuts 'through reality' .....

Unique Balancing Powers:

Morality Possession:
Each time a person kills with the axes there is an additive percentage that their next moral decision will be decided by the axes. This percentage starts at 0%. How this shift in decision is role played is left to the GameMaster.

Manufacturing process

Ancient Wisdom.


None. There is no cultural significant for this item in the Realm. It is a lost item. Should it be found, it would be a great historical find requiring the direct intervention of the Paragons.
Item type
Weapon, Other
Related Condition
2kg each
40cm long
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Ancient Wisdom.
Ancient Wisdom.
When I look at the item I feel its coldness. It's wrong in a profoundly unnatural way. Knowing what I know about the Holyar-Den, I am filled with dread. They can't be destroyed. They never suffer ravages or decay, and they will always be waiting. Well, perhaps waiting is to strong a word, they will always be willing. Every one we've recovered is profoundly disruptive to the mind and spirit. It's as if they are only a part of a greater horror.
I have always recommended that we increase our study of the few that have been recovered. And, I will always heed the directives of the Six.
Solitude Master Orada-Relius


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