Stiletto Character in Ayndrinor | World Anvil
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Stiletto (still-let-oh)

The Hidden Knife

Stiletto, known as the Patron of Murderers and Assassins, is one of the more sinister members of the Dark Pantheon. Like many other members of that pantheon, they were created by the union of the two Elder Beings Divone and Morwyn. Stiletto's milieu is murder and assassination, much of which also involves stealth and secrecy. For obvious reasons, they are the patron of assassins and many hired killers in criminal circles. Their followers are not all shady underground types, though; many kingdoms employ followers of Stiletto to assassinate or subtly remove political opponents or dissidents. The name of actions of this deity and their followers were so ubiquitous in the early days of Ayndrinor that their stereotypical long, thin knife was named after the deity.   Legends and lore speak of Stiletto being heavily involved in his parents' consolidation of power on their home planes of The Abyss and The Nine Hells. Many challengers to Morwyn's throne have been mercilessly killed in broad daylight by what many describe as a specter or miasma that coalesced one second and was gone the next. Similar stories abound from the Abyss, where several demon lords were slain suddenly, leaving plenty of opportunity for the other Olcrid - mostly loyal to Divone, as much as demonic entities can be - to take over and direct the demonic assaults on other planes.   During their "childhood", Stiletto spent a lot of time with their siblings Dur'dyn and Metroshka developing their different skills and close bonds. This closeness is also reflected in the criminal hideouts of Ayndrinor, where one frequently sees statues or small shrines to all three deities.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sigil: dagger with a blood droplet on the blade

Divine Symbol:
dark metal stiletto dagger

Tenets of Faith

  • Stalk one's prey and take them out when they are most vulnerable.
  • Mutilate the body to leave no chance for survival, but make sure it can still be recognized.
  • If one is caught by authorities, suicide is better than being made a spectacle.
  • One can never have too many concealed daggers.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Literal, realistic depictions of Stiletto are difficult to come by, and all manner of stylized representations exist instead. The factual accounts from their devotees and those who have seen their form attest that Stiletto is a specter or shadow, barely even corporeal, with glowing purple eyes and sharp dagger-like appendages for fingers. This fearsome depiction does not always convey the threat of the deadliest assassin, so many artists choose to stylize their appearance by creating a humanoid dressed in dark leathers and carrying many barely-concealed daggers.
Portrait art by me using HeroForge
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil


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