Dur'dyn Character in Ayndrinor | World Anvil
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Dur'dyn (der-deen)

The Prying Eyes

Dur'dyn, known as the Mistress of Thieves and Spies, is the patron of many criminals and - not surprisingly - spies. Her tenets focus on watching and listening, gathering as much information as possible, selling it to the highest bidder, then enjoying the life of luxury funded by one's deeds. Many thieves' guilds and other underworld syndicates have small temples or shrines dedicated to Dur'dyn, as well as Stiletto and occasionally Metroshka, in their hideouts to inspire and guide their members.   Like many other members of the Dark Pantheon, Dur'dyn was born from the on-again-off-again relationship between Divone and Morwyn, the two Elder Beings. Her exploits, and those of her followers, often benefit the Infernal Lord in his dealings, and he and is minions are frequent customers especially of the spies under Dur'dyn's influence.   Though Dur'dyn does not have any formal temples or organized religion - that the general public knows of, that is - her holy symbols can be found quite frequently in shady parts of cities, usually around people or organizations devoted to crime. Many criminals will disguise their amulets to look like fine emerald jewelry to the passing inspection, as the green color is not uncommon to see on necklaces, earrings, or rings. Many kingdoms employ spies and informants that pretty openly worship Dur'dyn, and some consider this faith as a prerequisite for landing such a powerful position in any nation.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sigil: two emerald-green lidless eyes connected in a figure-eight

Divine Symbol:
dagger with emeralds in its hilt

Tenets of Faith

  • Speak only when necessary, always be looking and listening.
  • Secrets and treasures are there for the taking, one must only find their location and act.
  • If one is able to steal a valuable or powerful item, the previous owner wasn't its right owner.
  • Impersonation and infiltration are masterful skills that can open any door in the world, if one is practiced enough to deceive others.
  • Sell one's goods (be they items or information) to the highest bidder and reward oneself with fineries.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Dur'dyn is usually depicted as a shadowy humanoid woman, of varying or indiscernible race. Some claim she resembles a drow, though others attribute that to those sources' implicit biases expecting such a thing. What is clear is that she has darker toned skin, even if sources disagree on its hue or possible earthly heritage. Her facial features are marked by larger than natural glowing green eyes - which always appear to be following people even when Dur'dyn is looking elsewhere - and the noticeable and unsettling lack of a mouth.
Portrait art by me using HeroForge
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil


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