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The Abyss

The Infinite Layers of the Abyss is an outer plane that is a whole universe within itself, with various planes and realms connected sporadically and haphazardly. It is the home of the demons, who seek to foray to other planes from their homes in the Abyss and snuff out all life, in service of their dark queen Divone. Though the planes of the Abyss are infinite, no two planes are alike, and all exhibit their own unique version of gruesomeness and perversion. Several of these planes are notable, because of their residents and their exploits elsewhere.     For more information on this plane, please see the 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide, page 62; Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, chapter 1; or check out the Forgotten Realms wiki: here.

Citadel of the Defiler

One of the layers of the Abyss plays host to the Elder Being Divone and her minions of chaos. The entire layer, which does not comprise much outside the massive citadel, exudes an aura of necromantic energy and saps the vitality of any living creature that ventures into its area. From within this citadel, Divone directs her minions of undeath and plots with the leaders of other abyssal realms. It is also from this place that she reaches out to mortals on the Material Plane to entice them with the promise of forbidden knowledge and power.

Ziggurat of Serpents

Another layer of the Abyss is inhabited by serpents and the snake-folk yuan-ti, all living in, on, and around a giant tiered ziggurat. These creatures follow the directions of their Olcrid leader Yuan-Lumusi, who constantly seeks to recruit or coerce more souls on the Material Plane and beyond. The immediate environment outside this ziggurat is a dense, impossibly sweltering humid jungle filled with man-sized insects and enormous snakes. In fact, the areas of the ziggurat's exterior that are not covered by ramshackle huts of the yuan-ti are constantly writhing and moving as if several hundred snakes were crawling back and forth over the exposed stone surface.

The Palace of Hedonism

Another layer of the Abyss is home to the Olcrid known as the Temptress and her cadre of minions. Dranzi calls this plane home, specifically her magnificent palace adorned with gold, platinum, a veritable rainbow of jewels, and the most ornate carpets and tapestries in the universe. From this lavish palace, the Temptress lives up to her name, seducing mortals into doing her will and that of her mother Divone. Her palace sees frequent, almost continuous orgies and other celebrations of pleasure. As Dranzi frequently claims to entice mortals, absolutely anything goes in her realm.


The Hunting Grounds

One other layer of the Abyss is the home of monstrous races such as gnolls and minotaurs. This layer is covered in labyrinthine forest where its denizens can stalk and hunt prey they specifically captured from across the universe. The forest is filled with traps and dead ends where the hunters can torment their prey during the hunt. Inside this dense, perverse forest is a hunting village where the Olcrid Leylothar makes their home, surrounded by obedient gnoll and minotaur guards.
Dimensional plane


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