Oriel River Geographic Location in Ayndrinor | World Anvil
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Oriel River (or-ee-ehl)

The Oriel River flows through the plains of southern Dalkaria, connecting the mountains with the southern coast. Its source is somewhere high in the Punchbowl Mountains, but it flows over a series of waterfalls and underground streams which all converge at the base of the mountains near Isolde. The river flows eastward, passing the town of Riverthorpe - so named because of its proximity to the Oriel - and emptying into the Midor Sea near the city of Alard's Rest.   There is not much trade or goods that travel on the river, except the small distance between Riverthorpe and Alard's Rest. The northern reaches of the river are still too dangerous for most river boats to dare traverse, lest they encounter a roving band of Giants that have evaded the scouts. The flowing river does provide a source of energy and some amount of production in the eastern two cities of its length: watermills litter the river's coast, milling grains and other goods into usable products.

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