Lakewatch Settlement in Ayndrinor | World Anvil
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On the northern banks of Lake Syber - the only side not covered by mountains - lies the small city of Lakewatch, the capital of the Demesne of Ice nation. Compared to the other towns in this nation, Lakewatch is very young and is still growing and evolving. Much of the Demesne has been around since the middle of the First Age, though most towns were isolated and had very little contact with the outside world. After The Smiting, as settlers began to explore the southern areas of Dalkaria, some made it to the Demesne and integrated into their society.   The mostly human settlers had established a small village on the shores of Lake Syber, near the existing settlement of Asmundskiir, where they fished and traded with the giant-kin of the Demesne. Over time, this village grew into a town and eventually a small city. As it became more of a hub for trade and travel, the Giant jarls decided to move the government of the nation - what little central government exists - to this burgeoning city.   The most prominent civic building in Lakewatch is the large great hall where the jarls convene once a season for the Thing, a meeting to discuss policy and governance for the nation. Lakewatch does not have a proper jarl itself, though the city's mayor is allowed to take part in discussions during the Thing despite having no actual voting rights. Near the great hall are the lodges for the jarls and their retinues, which are larger than most temples in other cities due to most of the visitors being actual Giants. In fact, the Jarlsdistrikt takes up more land than the rest of the city combined - including Asmundskiir, which is essentially a suburb of Lakewatch.


Unlike the rest of the Demesne of Ice, the population of Lakewatch is mostly human, with the giant-kin races (goliath and firbolg) a close second. Halflings, dwarves, and other assorted peoples make up the rest of the city, and people from all over the world are free to travel and settle here, though it is a long journey through harsh territory and many other towns on the way.   Fishing is a massive industry in Lakewatch, as is trading and goods transportation. Being the capital and geographically in the center of the Demesne, most goods pass through Lakewatch going elsewhere in the nation. There is also a decent-sized service sector here that supports the merchants, as well as takes care of the jarls' retinues when the Thing is in session. As one might expect from a tundra area, agriculture is a fairly small part of the economy here, though the tubers and mosses that comprise the area's culinary scene are grown in abundance around the city.   Most people in Lakewatch are fairly poor, though even that is an accomplishment in such a harsh environment where staying warm is a primary challenge most of the year. There are a few noble families in the area, notably any spellcaster or tinkerer who can improve lives and charge a premium for doing so. These few noble families do not have official say in the running of the city or the kingdom, but many of them are close friends with the Giant jarls and families from elsewhere in the nation, so their concerns are considered closely by the Thing.


The office of Mayor is an appointed position by the Thing, and once put into office the term is for the rest of that person's life (except in cases of misconduct or corruption). Mayors are only replaced when the previous one dies, steps down due to old age, or is removed by the jarls. Each mayor has a small council of around 10 advisors to assist in running the city's business, and it is up to each mayor how they appoint or select these councilmembers. The advisors may give suggestions and present the findings of reports and studies, but the Mayor has definitive say in the city's policies and laws.   Though Lakewatch's mayor is not a formal member of the Thing, they are allowed to speak at the meetings and make suggestions of their own, on which the actual jarls vote. This allows the city some amount of say in the policies and actions of the nation, though it also reflects the area's history of Giant dominance. The Thing also appoints all judges for the city.


The exterior or Lakewatch is surrounded by a rudimentary wooden pallisade, though that is more a formality than a strong defense. There are not many dangerous beasts in the tundra, and any marauding peoples would have to deal with the Giants of the Demesne. The houses and businesses of Lakewatch have outgrown this perimeter, anyway, and smaller suburbs sprawl out in various directions toward the root vegetable and moss farms.   The lake coast part of the city is somewhat more defended, in that there is a central armory where fishers and guards can buy or borrow weapons when the need arises. Many species of freshwater shark, orca, and other dangerous sea creatures exist in the lake, and those that head out on the waves need to always be prepared for a deadly encounter. On the odd occasions where one of these beasts inhabits the harbor and starts trying to attack dockworkers or other land-bound civilians, the city's Watch have quickly mobilized to defeat the nautical threats.


Lakewatch is one of the more basic world capitals in terms of infrastructure, mainly due to its tundra environment and the limitations that presents. Paving or cobblestones would constantly freeze and crack, so most roads are just well-trod dirt roads, though some do have loose gravel that prevents them from becoming too muddy. Certain central or high-traffic areas of the city have installed wooden walkways to help with this, though those tend to be even more treacherous in the winter months. All in all, the general approach to street infrastructure is to make sure everyone has a reliable pair of snow and ice shoes in the winter.   Most taverns and inns in Lakewatch are similar to Norse mead halls, with long benches and central fire pits or troughs that disperse heat throughout the building. Most are open to the public without having to purchase food, which helps even the poorest citizens stay warm in the colder months.   Sewers are not existent in the cold, ever-frozen ground this far north. Instead, most houses and businesses have outhouses with deep pits dug underneath them, where waste collects and can be broken down by various bacteria, worms, etc. Fresh water is also hard to come by, due to the frozen ground being difficult to drill wells into. Luckily, Lake Syber is a massive freshwater lake and provides an endless supply of drinking water for the people of Lakewatch. There is one specific business that uses clay pots to bottle water further away from the city continuously and distributes the bottles to those who want them throughout the day.


The buildings of Lakewatch resemble a traditional Norse town, with high-pitched roofs containing smoke holes and chimney covers. Many are made of wood, though the presence of the mountain range nearby has allowed for stone to become quite common as a material as well. Most buildings are relatively plain on the outside with few decorations or embellishments, but many businesses and middle-class homes display ornate belongings on the interiors of their abodes.

Founding Date
60 2A
Alternative Name(s)
Thingby (town of the Thing)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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