Moro's Ward Item in Axora | World Anvil

Moro's Ward


Moro's Ward, erroneously referred to as Morrow's Ward in the limited mentions in surviving documentation from before the Great Knowledge Purge, is an Artefact of legendary status. Since no description was provided in these mentions, its existence and the exploits of any who have worn it have also gone unrecorded.  


Moro's Ward is a set of plate armour, made of a platinum-looking metal with golden-tinged gilded flowing patternry, representing the threads of time. Unlike most 'heavy' armour, Moro's Ward does not impose the same restrictions as its unknown metal type appears to hold the strength of steel but not the density. Thus, Moro's Ward is lighter than its traditional brethren. It also holds the essence of Solemis, the God of Time, who also created the namesake beings, The Moro, who glow with golden temporal energy the same hue as the patterns upon the armour.  


During the Cataclysm War
The armour was collected by Aregos Falstar following a visit to The Moro. Aregos already had been gifted with a morsel of godly power through his status as a Dion'dia, a Chosen of the Gods, and other Artefacts he had collected up to that point. Aregos gifted the armour to Galus Kreen, the General of the Dawn's Guard. Unlike Aregos, Galus was not a Dion'dia. Kreen was the last casualty of the War, having used all of Moro's Ward's capabilities during the final battle, The Siege of Arkran  
After the War
Moro's Ward magically disappeared upon Kreen's death. The next appearance of the Artefact came when The Grey Knights, an adventuring party made up of four Dion'dia, stumbled into the Chamber of the Moro. Receiving visions of the past and potential future, The Grey Knights were presented with Moro's Ward, and it was claimed by Theron Firestone. They were also confronted with the presence of a resurrected Aregos Falstar, who had sought out the Moro anew, and Moro's Ward specifically as he had returned to find his Dion'dia status undone and was struggling to find his purpose in this new world. He had arrived prior to The Grey Knights, but spent longer in the visions granted by the Elementals of Time. Disappointed that it seemed that Moro's Ward wasn't his destiny, he did request the Grey Knights' aid in finding his new destiny.
Item type
Current Holder

Cover image: by Midjourney


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