Molten Worm


The Molten Worm is a form of Gargantuan Worm native to the volcanic regions of Axora.  


Rarely seen in their entirety, like all Gargantuan Worm species, the Molten Worm's adult sizes are 30ft in length, minimum, and at least 8ft wide. Most recorded worms are in the range of 40ft long by 10ft in diameter. Juvenile worms, of course, can be anywhere up to that but seemingly start no shorter than 10ft in length and 3ft in diameter.   Like their Frost Worm brethren in the frozen wastes, Molten Worms take on an element of their surroundings. In the Molten Worm's case, their skin is more of a carapace of volcanic rock, the specific kind varying from worm to worm. Most are granite or diorite but there have been a few sightings of a Molten Worm that was largely obsidian. That particular worm, dubbed unsurprisingly as the 'Obsidian Worm' has become something of a hunter and/or rare creature spotter's dream.  


Like the rest of their kind, the Molten Worm is capable of burrowing through solid rock. However, not only that, it seemingly can withstand being within the volcanoes themselves, even in the magma chambers. It is thought that it may actually eat magma as a source of minerals, as other kinds of worms do the same just with solid rock instead. Though this behaviour is disputed as, naturally, no one has been able to witness this act and the argument against it is just that the worm simply eats the already formed volcanic rock in the region instead.   Either way, what is undisputed is that the worm itself can spew magma as an attack. From deceased specimens, it was discovered that the Molten Worm contains the biological mechanisms to at least turn rock back into molten form, and store it. In the same way that venomous creatures have venom sacs, Molten Worms have magma sacs. It's this characteristic that gives credence to the theory that they consume magma in the first place. As a result of this inner furnace, Molten Worms are hot to the touch, and would burn you should you get within striking range.   Naturally, it's regular bite is also severely dangerous, especially as it prefers to take its prey alive and whole, if possible.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Length
Geographic Distribution


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Aug 5, 2022 02:21 by Marc Zipper

I love the worm and how it adapts to its environment. Also, love the magma sack venomous bite. Really cool article read

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Dec 11, 2022 21:58 by AmazingChi

A belated thank you!