Shattershard Vehicle in Avrakt | World Anvil
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"You wouldn't believe what happened while I was exploring uncharted systems outside of Thilyra territory last week! Saw some weird Hyperdrive ping in my system, alone and reading weirdly. Didn't think it was much but decided since it was in the same system I jumped over near it. Saw this lone battlecruiser just sitting there, big black shadow of a Thilyra ship, not 300 meters Rimward of my ship. Then it cloaked! Went almost completely off my sensors when it did. I had to check the logs to make sure I had actually seen it.... Don't give me that look!"
— Explorer pilot telling another about encountering the Shattershard in early deployment.

One of three advanced prototype ships built by the Thilyra.


Upgraded Battlecruiser Engines, Hyperdrive, Blink Drive.

Weapons & Armament

Advanced dual beam arrays, light cannons, Anti-Strike-Craft missiles (all hull mounted), Anti-missile Drones, FTL Jump Inhibitor.

Armor and defense

Light Combat Grade Armor, Moderate Shield Systems.

Communication Tools & Systems

Advanced Comms.


Advanced Scouting and Combat sensors.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Advanced AI (Starlight), Advanced Anti-Interference Systems, prototype Capital class Cloak.

Hangars & docked vessels

Small hangar bays for drones on the sides, small docking bay for a shard scout on the left side. An airlock on both sides for docking also.
Owning Organization
Faster than most Batttlecruisers
Complement / Crew
160+an AI
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Medium sized cargo bay with space to pick up small wrecks if out scouting, separate cargo bay for supplies.

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Cover image: by Foxyowlet


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