AI Technology / Science in Avrakt | World Anvil
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Ranging from highly advanced ones used in Capital ships to minor ones that only help with automating some systems in a Strike-Craft.


Automating system management, things like navigation, turret targeting, mid-combat power rerouting to optimize survivability. Also drone management, keeping hangars from falling into chaos, managing ship wide systems in a capital ship, keeping the crew company.   There are cases where AI go rogue, usually ship mounted AI, causing 'ghost ships' that fly around with no life signs. Ether because the AI killed the crew or the AI is just following whatever order it was last given after the crew died.
Access & Availability
Most ships have a minor AI of some form in them. Capital ships and some Sub-caps have advanced ones.
Ranges from "hey I can read this thing's code" to "What does half this even do, and did it just rewrite something?!"
Related Technology:
Anti-Interference Systems

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Cover image: by Foxyowlet


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