Hyperdrive Technology / Science in Avrakt | World Anvil
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"Hyperdrive pings detected! An entire fleet is jumping in on our heads, where did all these ships come from?!"

Need to cover a lot of distance right now? Standard drive only goes half way (if that)? Hyperdrive!
Disclaimer: Only reasonably works on Capital ships.


Hyperdrives are used by capital ships to potentially cover well over the standard jump distance. Unfortunately a Hyperdrive being charged is also painfully obvious to sensors. So any stealth goes away as soon as one starts charging.
Despite stealth being impossible while a Hyperdrive is charging, there are still stealth capital ships. Imagine a ship over 600 meters long decloaking nearby, combat systems coming online as it just appears.
Parent Technologies
Access & Availability
Most capital ships have a Hyperdrive, capital ships are also not publicly available, kinda need to be someone important to even have a chance of getting one.
Probably more complex than a Standard Jump Drive. Still has the shield though, it's the actual jumping part that's different.

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Cover image: by Foxyowlet


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