The Sea of Souls Geographic Location in Avendora | World Anvil

The Sea of Souls

One could travel forever and still never find a beginning or end to the Sea of Souls. The entire floor of the Void is covered in this ethereal water, the faces of those that comprise it swirling endlessly within. Fascinatingly, the faces seem to always be those of the same race as each individual viewer, or some twisted version thereof. It is said that if you state too long into the water your mind would eventually break from lack of comprehension, the voices connected to the faces beginning to pierce into your consciousness. Voidborn beings can interact with the Sea, but cannot enter it or they would be instantly absorbed into the water. The Sea of Souls is still not fully understood and likely never will be, but that has not stopped various physical empires from trying, even creating technology to use or exploit energy from the endless ocean.
Alternative Name(s)
The Lake of Souls, the Spirit Ocean
Location under


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