Admiral Tarnahk Character in Avendora | World Anvil

Admiral Tarnahk (T-arr-naw-ck)

Bor Tarnahk (a.k.a. Tarnahk the Blind)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bor Tarnahk was born into a military family, his father, his father's father, and so on being in some branch of the military as far back as his family tree can be traced. At first, Bor did not wish to be in the military, instead preferring to use his well above average intellect to write eloquently flowing poems and novels. Finally though, his father was able to convince him to hold to the family tradition. To his only son, Bor's father pleaded on his deathbed as he was rotting from the inside out due to a terminal (as so often is the case) infection of Necrotia, heavily guilt tripping the young author to use his intellect shine out and prolong the Tarnahk military line. Begrudgingly, Bor agreed, and shine he did. Tactics and fleet actions came naturally to him, and quickly we rose up the ranks of the Tortilian navy, and not just due to his family name. After he proved himself repeatedly in combat, Bor was given command of the largest defense fleet in the Tortilian navy during the War For Atalan and tasked with defending the nation. When the RRT revealed their true colors in the war, turning against the mighty Walren, a reactionary attack was all but guaranteed, Admiral Tarnahk being already strategically placed at the Tortilian-Walren border. As expected, the attack did come, even sooner than expected. Despite having mostly outdated vessels aside from a few new battleships, Bor expertly commanded his fleet and with the aid of some nearby Saurian reinforcements he successfully smashed the attacking Walren force. As Tarnahk's men returned to dock for repairs and replenishments, he received a transmission direct from Tortilia. The Walren had violated the neutral status of the neighboring Allied Systems of Tellmar and gone through their space to attack inner Tortilian planets relativly uncontested, Bor's battle being only a diversion. Quickly the decorated admiral whipped his fleet into order, traveling full burn back to the capital, knowing already that he would be too late to save his home planet. Sadly, he was correct, and Tortilia along with several other core planets were destroyed utterly, extinguishing billions of lives in just a few hours. The battle came to be called Tarnahk’s Folly even though Admiral Tarnahk himself's personal responsibility for the events is still widely debated. One thing is for sure is that Bor did indeed blame himself fully for Tortilia's destruction, holding himself personally accountable for the tragic event. He continued to serve throughout the remainder of the war, mainly helping with rebuilding efforts for the effectively crippled RRT, all while many scoffed over his name while yet others defended it. Meanwhile Bor sunk into a deep depression, though he tried valiantly to not let it effect his duties. Eventually, the War For Atalan grinded to a halt. The day the peace agreement was signed, 29/1/1825 ASD, Bor locked himself alone in his room on Anvil and injected himself with a dose of Necrotia he had acquired, leading to his rapid self imposed demise. It is unknown exactly why he chose this method of death as it is anything but pleasant and painless. Perhaps he considered it some form of poetic justic to atone for his believed mistakes by dying the same way his esteemed father had, ending the Tarnahk military line as it would have all those years ago if Bor would have chosen to remain an author at his father's deathbed; to Necrotia.
Current Location
Date of Birth
31/1/1574 ASD
Date of Death
29/1/1825 ASD
1574 ASD 1825 ASD 251 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Dark brown, nearly black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green tinged with yellow
236 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
  The Tarnahk Memorial


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