Crimson Rot Condition in Avaria | World Anvil

Crimson Rot

Crimson rot was little understood until recently. Believed to be simply a fell curse bestowed by a demon it was discovered to be a viral infection caused by trace elements of corrupt mana in the air.

Transmission & Vectors

Airborne, each host who succumbs to the rot will begin to mutate into an abomination and draw mana through themselves, corrupting it.


The rot is caused by a corruption of the natural mana in an area by long term exposure to demonic influence. Typically necromancer and blood mages will unknowingly attract the small demons that produce this corrupting effect.


Once the rot has taken hold, the host's bloodstream will begin to thicken and they will become fatigued and drained of all vitality, as their body breaks down from the inside it will warp and bloat drawing mana from any source around it to sustain itself, in turn, exposing the mana to corruption. Dark blotches will appear on the host as the skin scabs over uncontrollably trying to repair itself and their.    Within a week the host will soon lose all control over their body, retaining their consciousness but unable to override the bodies primal instincts as it seeks only to feed and sustain itself.    Once the mind can take no more the vessel is ready, it acts like a beacon to any prowling demons in the realm beyond who will fight maniacally for a chance to possess it and enter the material realm.


The infection must be caught early and the host must drink a potion made of ground Astral rose boiled in purified water. The radiant mana of the rose can neutralise the corruption rendering it harmless.


Without treatment, necrosis, madness and death are all but guaranteed. Worse still is demonic possession.


Report any suspicion of Blood Magic to your local Justicar.


It is spread by air, but one must be exposed for a period of days.
Affected Species