Olarus Species in Avanima | World Anvil
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The Olarus, similar to the Falco-Kiptrani, are abnormally-large Avani that inhabit the Olaran country. They operate on a significantly-different sleep cycle as a nocturnal race and have a number of abilities to assist in their night-time activities. Olarus are often regarded as wise and intelligent magicians.

Basic Information


The Olarus, unlike most other races of avani, have many physical traits that more closely mirror their avian ancestors. Their bodies are far less erect and more birdlike, with their hands smaller in proportion to the rest of their wings. Their beaks are focused on a carnivorous diet and it is difficult for their digestive systems to handle plant matter such as wheat and seeds. Though they are strong, their greatest ability for hunting is that the design of their wings, which allows them to move through the air in near-complete silence. It gives them a distinct advantage in setting up ambushes and traps.

Biological Traits

The Olarus are larger and stronger than most Avani, though they are weaker than Falco-Kiptrani, and can wear some types of metal armor while in flight. There are significant variations in size and specific physical traits between subraces. They are mostly slow fliers.

Ecology and Habitats

Olarus are sensitive to the type of habitat they can realistically live in, requiring fairly mountainous terrain that is covered in trees in a temperate-cool climate year-round. Since they are carnivorous the Olarus require a constant supply of prey or livestock (and lax game laws) wherever they decide to live. Due to changes in the local climate, their available living space is on the decline.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

On average, Olarus are believed to have slightly higher intelligence than other races. It is scientifically unclear whether that is actually the case or a result of their culture. Regardless, they seem to be more adept at magic than other races.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

To assist their nocturnal lifestyle, the Olarus have strong night-time vision.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Avis Illustatum Olarus
Average Height
3-12 spans
Average Weight
45-390 flaps

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