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Some say that the greatest have others to serve them. Always remember that they are wrong: the greatest serve others.
— The Kiptrani Codex
  The Falco-Kiptrani are a combined category for two distinct races of Avani, due to their similar appearance and physical traits. These large, physically-imposing birdfolk are known for their eviscerating talons, keen eyes, and high diving speed. Though they are quite similar to each other, the Falco and the Kiptrani have diverged significantly from the other races and someday may even become their own species.

Basic Information


The Falco-Kiprani, unlike most other races of avani, have many physical traits that more closely mirror their avian ancestors. Their bodies are far less erect and more birdlike, with their hands smaller in proportion to the rest of their wings. They have beaks that are clearly designed for tearing apart meat and their foot-talons can break bones. It is difficult for their digestive systems to handle plant matter such as wheat and seeds. They aren't the fastest fliers in the world, but their bodies are specifically designed to dive quickly at ground prey.

Biological Traits

The Average Falco-Kiptrani is very strong, large, and physically imposing. They are easily capable of lifting nearly all of their own weight in flight and so often wear full metal armor into battle. It is even common for other Avani to ride on their backs to act as improvised cavalry. They are so much larger than other avani that some of them are even capable of swallowing individuals whole. It was once a common practice among their kind to engage in cannibalism because of this, though that has changed.   Generally, the Falco are smaller and swifter than their cousins the Kiptrani, who are built more for strength and stamina than speed.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Falco-Kiptrani are mostly isolated to Altowood, which is founded on an island that was out of contact with the rest of the world for centuries, partially explaining why they've evolutionarily diverged from the rest of the birdfolk.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Falco-Kriptrani are noted for their advanced eyesight, even by Avani standards. It is believed that they can pick out individuals from well over three or four miles away. However, this strong day-time visibility comes with the drawback of weakened senses in darkness.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
6-15 spans
Average Weight
60-720 flaps
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Falco Kiptrani are usually covered in black, brown, or grey feathers all across their bodies. It is more common for Falco to have significantly lighter or even white feathers on their undersides, while in Kiptrani it is rare.

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