Moonkeeper Pass Geographic Location in Auxis | World Anvil
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Moonkeeper Pass

The Moonkeeper pass is the largest body of water in the region of Auxis, stretching the entire breadth of Edea's southern coast and Xedaris' northern coast. The pass is gatekept on its eastern side by the Brandruin Archipelago, though most traffic through the sea is found on the north/south axis, as few travellers have any need to traverse beyond the waters of Auxis.   The Moonkeeper pass has many secrets left unexplored, and due to its volatile and erratic nature most sailors stick to well-travelled trade routes which are known to err on the safer side. Storms and shipwrecks are common place, and as such travel over the waters is an expensive and dangerous business, with pirates targeting the routes when the weather calms.    The further away from the trade route, the more dangerous the seas are: with deep ocean floors, reefs teeming with life and supernatural elements residing well beneath the waves. As legends have it, magical scars of the Astral War and the Schism left various gateways open to the elemental planes, allowing leviathans of divine proportions to patrol the seas and leak out into the wider oceans. Islands, volcanoes and archipelagos are also rumoured to be common in the unexplored seas, with the bounty on treasure and loot from these uncharted waters enticing brave (or foolish) adventurers to risk their lives - and hardly ever return.


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