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Pluvius, Leonis Dominum 1060

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The world of Atraeleon is ancient and filled with wonders long forgotten. From the highest peaks to the lowest swamps, danger and opportunity abound. At every turn one can find shadows, even in the light.   The Atraelian Empire holds sovreignty over the entire known world, either through conquest or diplomacy. The Imperial religion, known as the Divinitas Concordia, guides its citizens through matters of faith and life. The Imperial Inquisitors ensure that no blasphemers pervert the religion of the empire. The Arbiters protect the stability and peace of the empire. And finally, the Imperial Legion destroys its enemies, as they have for 1000 years.   The ancient noble clans rule their charges well or lose them to their rivals. Great honor and riches can be won or lost by the clans in a single battle, meeting, or scandal. The Solaris Clan reigns supreme as the imperial family itself, and has held this honor for the life of the empire.