Johan Argentus der Große Character in Atlantica | World Anvil

Johan Argentus der Große

Johan Argentus was born in what is now Thuringia , of course it was not called that when he was a child since Thuringia only recently became a country. Seeking a life beyond the farming that was offered to him, Johan signed on to a merchant vessel that plied the seas between Thuringia and relatively close ports. When Thuringia became its own nation Johan was actually already working in a spy ring. The information that he acquired in foreign ports proved useful to Queen Emelia Herschlag  who was concerned that foreign powers might intervene as she united the country. Johan's information allowed her to utilize her resources to their fullest. Unfortunately he lost his leg in ship-board action.

The Queen knows how to spot talent when she sees it. She was unwilling to waste Johan talent and so she promoted him to be an intelligence officer for Thuringia in the Western Ocean. Since Thuringia has little money, Johan has few peers in his region, either to report to or to count on for back up.

Johan has found it to his advantage to take on the persona of a retired pirate. He moves between ports gathering intelligence for the small Thuringian Navy, as well as double dealing the intelligence to pirates to supplement what Thuringia cannot pay him. His superiors know what he is doing, and trust him to ensure that any intelligence that he sells to pirates does not come back on his homeland. Regardless he runs a significant network of informers for what little resources he has.

Johan has taken it upon himself to identify other competing intelligence officers who discount the idea the Thuringia might have its own officer in the region. He uses this to his advantage and plays up his pirate persona to dissuade any ideas to the contrary. Recently he has stumbled into another spy who he cannot account for. He has not idea who she works for, since he has figured out who all the other countries have spying in his area of operation. He is very curious, but cautiously so.
Johan Argentus der Gross? Aye, I know the man. A decent one he is for a pirate. Bought some information off him a couple of times, always turned out to be good and accurate. Oh sure he likes the wenches, the rum, the fine clothes, but he has a keen ear in a tavern.

~Captain Willem de Cray of the pirate ship Penzance
Current Location
Dark Long Hair, well groomed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned White


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