Ra'zon Character in Atarea | World Anvil
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Ra'zon, known as Ra'zon the Broken and legally as Ra'zon Canarac, was an adventurer and former marine in the Hildonian military. After being discharged he became an adventurer and briefly a mercenary in service to the Katalian Company. He traveled with a band of adventurers that came to be known as the Res-Ramblers, with whom he eventually helped to defeat the sorceress Rashida Rumiyyad. After the Res-Rambler's disbandment he hired another group of followers to help recover the Iron Hand of Petros. Ra'zon would later die in the Battle of Alcaster, buying time for Queen Harriet to escape the city.  


Ra'zon grew up in Roselawn where he apprenticed in construction at the local trade school. During this time, he became associated with a group of idealists that would eventually become the paramilitary terrorist organization New Dawn. In 1844 his parents were killed in the Saint Paloren's Day Massacre, and he joined the Hildonian army as part of the planned military response to the attack. While the invasion was called off, Ra'zon remained in the military and continued to serve.   In 1851, he was part of the expeditionary force sent to Rubendale to assist Sodmar in the Galdemar Rebellion, where he was gravely injured in the disastrous Alvoro Bay Invasion. Following his injury he was discharged from the military and returned home to Roselawn, where he discovered that his brother Ra'zik had become a leading figure in New Dawn. He returned to the organization, but became quickly disillusioned with the new, violent direction the group had taken. After the group's attack on Lowerstone he abandoned the organization and, with nowhere left to call home, left Hildonia on a passenger ship headed to Meicor, intending to seek work as a mercenary with the Katalian Company.


Also Known As:

Ra'zon the Broken
Ra'zon the Unbroken
Ra'zon Canarac






Fighter (Battle Master)


early 30's




Res-Ramblers (member)
Big Tom & Skinny Pete (friend and employer)
Serik Thadan (friend)
Ra'zik (brother)
Ra'zutahn† (father)
Elsa Canarac† (mother)
Deceased (fell in battle holding the gates of Castle Hvitsholm against rebel forces)

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