Themmit Desert Geographic Location in Asyur | World Anvil

Themmit Desert



The Themmit Desert is one of the harshest environments on the Continent of Adlak, let alone in the world to attempt to settle, but that hasn't stopped a few races from trying and succeeding in conquering the large sandy lands.   Vast dunes break up larges swathes of flat flood plains created from the many large rivers that swell and flow through the region.   A large rift sits in one part of the desert, many miles long and even many wider. It is black at the bottom if there is a bottom. This large unknown geological formation has been called the Themmit Rift.   Two major cultures reside in this area of Adlak. The first and oldest of these two cultures are the Dwarves of Thurdath. Being the last remaining pure dwarven settlement, Citadel Thurdath is just that, a large citadel built beneath the desert sands and blazing rays of the sun above. The second culture is that of humans. Settling the port town of Cark, the small fishing village quickly grew into a vast trading empire, during this time its name also changed to Carcino, and the Kingdom of Carcino was formed by the first King of Merchants, Sigismund. It is this human settlement that dared brave the Themmit Rift. Building a massive prison into the side of the bottomless pit, the kingdom of Carcino sends these prisoners down the walls of the Rift to mine an extraordinary white metallic substance. This white metal has proven to be not only minable here in the rift, but highly conductive of electricity while also being extremely malleable, just the push and heat from two fingers is enough to structurally combine the metal. The city and capital of Carcino have taken to using this White-Gold as they call it, as their main currency. A coin is marked into 10 smaller pieces, that can be broken off for smaller purchases, or combined to reform complete coins.   The rest of the desert lands are inhabited by the odd ruined structure or beasts of the sands.   To the direct north sits the Southern Dalelands, and their large forest and lakelets.   To the west is a large ocean.   To the northeast is the remaining Cormanthyr Forest and the Elves that reside within.   To the southeast is the newly formed Phisij Empire.   To the south are a large ocean and many small islands. The immediate islands being known as the Pirate Isles, and the more southern islands are known as the Altarean Islands. Even further south, beyond the ocean, sits the Continent of Veluntia.


Sand dunes of varies heights and lengths are broken up by long narrow streams and rivers that create flood plains for animals to feed and drink at, as well as for settlements to be founded along.


The temperature is extremely hot during the day, and freezing cold at night. Because of this most wildlife of the desert use borrows as their homes. Some of these are small, like the ones built by the trap-door spider, to the vastly larger man-eater's, the Ankheg.

Ecosystem Cycles

As the colder seasons come the animals of the desert become more and more infrequent in their daily excursions outside of their homes. Some animals go into complete hibernations, while others slow their body rates only leaving one a month to attempt to find food.    The smaller streams freeze over at night, and thaw out quickly in the morning, creating the illusion of large beats in the distance as the ice breaks and cracks and moans.    As the warmer seasons come the plant life that does exists goes into a bloom. Cacti sprouting flowers of bright pinks, bushes of creosote produce small leaves of green, and cat-tails grow near the waters edge.

Localized Phenomena

The area is prone to many odd phenomena thought to be both natural and magical in origins. From the massive sandstorms and haboobs, to torrential downpours and hurricanes, to lightning storms that scar and gash the land for weeks at a time.

Natural Resources



Carcino was founded some 2,000-2,500 years before the Second Era, making it between 6-7,000 years of age.   Founded as a small port town by the name of Cark, it would take a until the year 6,823 of the First Age before the first Mercantile Council was formed by a proud noble from Tarrin. This noble would go on to build the first walls of the city, and the first to improve the roadways leading to the city. This noble would go on to become the first Merchant King of Clark, the Merchant King Curzio Gresham. Gresham would also go on to build the iconic Blue Palace as his residence and palace of leisure.   During Gresham's rule many trade routes were established, as was the Royal Academy, a school for the sailors and seamen of The Royal Navy of Clark.   King Gresham would die in his sleep, leaving the new and rising Human kingdom to his predecessor, his nephew, Bruno Sigismund.      It was not an easy transition from Gresham to Sigismund at the start of the turn of the age (23 Second Age). Many of the council thought his claim to rule legitimate, as the previous king had named him. Other's on the council argued that it went against the very creation of the council to announce the next king. However, despite their fears, Sigismund would go on to become a great and respected ruler by not just the council, but by his citizens. Gresham's bodyguard during this transition, a Verti would go on to form a group of knights, dedicated to the kings and kingdoms protection. Verti would name this elite group of bodyguards, the Blades.   Sigismund would start his ruling by expanding the first set of walls and building the second set of walls for the city. He would also go on to found the Akademos District, as well as create the first World Stage Amphitheater. Sigismund would go on to send the first expeditions into the Themmit Rift, as well as sending military aid to the neighboring Kingdom of John. It as also at this time that the title of Merchant King was changed to Emperor. Sigismund is also responsible for changing the name of the City Clark to Carcino, and for erecting the Palace of Kings. It is here in the Palace of Kings that Sigismund would be buried. Written on his crypts door is the following adage "Cast your net wide, oh Sigismund, emperor of mighty Carcino. Your navy Stand at the ready to sail out and establish the largest empire the world has ever seen. If you can truly get all roads to lead to Carcino, yours will be an empire of greatest riches and luxuries. Surely then our citizens will proclaim you as their best ruler, the Optimus Princeps."   Many would go to hold the title of Emperor after Sigismund, but only one other would hold the title Optimus Princeps. In the year 4057 Emperor Elio Ignasio was elected by the council. It would be Ignasio who would separate the powers of the Church and the Navy, in an attempt to check the church's power. Ignasio would also improve housing for the working man as well as a complete rework of the cities sewage system to pump into the Rift instead of the southern waters. Ignasio was assassinated in the year 4113 of the Second Age. It is unknown who exactly did the killing, but the Flaming Daggers has claimed responsibility. After the Emperor's death, the Blades were disbanned, common belief being that they were a farce, and a waste of the countries money. They also claim they were the ones who just 2 years latter killed half the Council of Merchants, preventing a new Emperor from being named.   Since Ignasio's death no Emperor has been named, and just a handful of the Merchantile Council remains, however they are unable to come to any agreements on what to do about the next Emperor.


Carcino's tourism comes from nobles traveling to see one of the many districts of Carcino. From the Academos District filled with collages and theaters, to the trading districts where most of the worlds goods are represented, to the central districts filled with their ancient palaces, villas, and cemeteries.
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