Valath Geographic Location in Astral Skies | World Anvil


Valath is the sixth planet of the Nald system. It likely would’ve been a relatively small planetoid if it hadn’t been for the immense amounts of water which had collected around it. It has enough mass for the gravity to be just a bit below normal. The planet is too far from the local star for the vast oceans to remain liquid, and there is barely even a water layer above the stone core of the cold planet.

Unusual compounds have formed in large areas, creating a bioluminescence of blue, green, and pink shimmering across fields of ice.

The native moss creates the oxygen many species use to survive along with food for the herbivores. A handful of predators prey on these herbivores.

Valath is home to a species of Frost Drake. These used to be plentiful however they have been hunted almost to extinction for their particularly beautiful scales. The resulting lack of predators is causing the ecosystem to slowly unbalance. If it goes too far, there might not be enough moss to sustain the enormous herds of herbivores, which would bring everything to an end.

The planet is home to Site Claw , a scientific station set up by Lady Xalryx to help protect the drakes. Also on the planet is a bootlegger camp and a group of poachers.     The researchers have been able to incubate more eggs, so hopefully the drake population will recover with time.   SPOILERS FOLLOW   Show Spoiler
Lady Xalryx hired Evelyn to clear out the bootleggers and poachers. She dealt with the bootleggers by moving a leyline; in a subsequent shift, it swallowed the bootleggers' ship and crushed it , turning it into a pancake of scrap metal and frozen alcohol. The bootleggers decided to leave for somewhere safer.   The poachers left after Evelyn 'visited' them. Others showed up, but the local security teams were able to deal with them.

Articles under Valath

Cover image: by AlienT


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