Ghalim Geographic Location in Astoria | World Anvil
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The second largest dwarven city after Strakelgar, Ghalim is located under Bloodstone Mountains. The Ghalim dwarves use to trade with Marish until the cataclysm. Now, their main trading partner is the free city of Libertas. From time to time, the Ghalim dwarves come into conflict with the vile drow of Xa'haris.  


Ghalim has a monarchy with the current ruler being King Thal Dragonbane, famous for slaying a red dragon, Marizdun, nearly a century ago. The son of the king is Prince Thalan.  

City Locations

  • Heart Chamber: the grand cavern where the majority of Ghalim lives and works in, the Heart Chamber. Scattered throughout the large cavern are giant statues of dwarven warriors that glow to light up the city. In the center of the chamber is the central stalagmite, which holds the magical Aegis Stone at the top, which powers the city's magical defenses.
  • King's Hall: the royal palace near the central stalagmite, the King's Hall holds the royal family.
  • The Forge: largest temple to Moradin, God of Creation and Invention, in the city that also trains young dwarves in the art of crafting.
  • Dragon's Grace: a large temple built below a shaft so sunlight shines on a magnificent statue of Bahamut, God of Justice, gracing the top of this temple
  • Duty's Hall: a well structure temple to Erathis, Goddess of Civilization and Law, that trains the lawmakers of the dwarves.
  • Hunters of Raz: a temple but also loose organization of worshippers of Raz, God of Retribution. Once called the Brotherhood of Raz, the group changed their name after letting females join. They frequently delve into the underdark to hunt down monsters. They make their home base near a smaller stalagmite close to the mines
  • Crypt: the ancient burial site of the city that is maintained by clergy of Kelemvor, God of the Afterlife
  • Grand Library: a famous library run by the elderly dwarf, Rowena.
  • Mines: expansive mines in caverns deeper beyond the Heart Chamber. Although the dwarves have well crafted defenses, there are still dangers from lurking monsters in the underdark.
  • Maw: infamous prison of the city built over a great chasm that's depths are unknown
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