Moradin, God of Creation and Invention Organization in Astoria | World Anvil
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Moradin, God of Creation and Invention

Originally the creator of dwarves, Moradin brought his creations into Xorik after the end of the Origin Wars. Overtime, Moradin became popular with other goodly races, especially gnomes who follow the Soul Forger’s teachings to become great inventors. Now, Moradin is worshiped across Xorik by smiths, inventors, gnomes, and especially dwarves, who adore their creator. The Soul Forger’s clergy seek out powerful materials for crafting and inventing, which often brings them into conflict with evil creatures that inhabit the unexplored areas of the world.   Suggested Domains: forge and knowledge
Alignment: Lawful Good
Symbol: a hammer and anvil  

Cherish the beauty of creation

Alternative Names
The Soul Forger

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