Feywild Geographic Location in Ash & Bone ~D&D 5e~ | World Anvil
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On the other side of a thin planar barrier surrounding the Material Plane sits a place of wonder and beauty, terror and darkness, hope and fear. It is the realm of ancient archfey and powerful elves from times long since passed where the seasons stand frozen at the whim of bickering Fey courts. This is the Plane of Faerie, also known as the Feywild, and it is a place of terrible beauty and glittering shadows.

Like the Plane of Shadow and the Plane of Dreams, the Plane of Faerie is an echo of the Material Plane, sitting like an overlay over the entire plane. Most people do not know it exists, though in certain areas known as ley lines the border becomes blurred, and in other regions spontaneous gates and portals open up allowing free travel between the two. Capricious fey creatures, from sprites and pixies to hags and quicklings, populate the realm. Many owe allegiance to one of the faerie courts, including the Summer Court, the Gloaming Court, and the Winter Court, but not all do, and some actively work against the powerful archfey that rule these powerful organizations.

Fey are not the only inhabitants of the Plane of Faerie. Long ago, a race of giants pierced the planar veil and marched a mighty army through with intents to conquer the lush and bountiful land. They were not successful, and for their transgression they were cursed. These fomorians lurk in the darkness and shadows of the Feywild now, striking against all native creatures with as much power as they can muster, and their ruined fortresses still dot the landscape.

The Plane of Faerie is a place of natural danger, where the weather can turn deadly with no warning and the beasts of the forest prey on travelers with malice and hunger in their hearts. Time is a strange thing in the Feywild as well, and some travelers that leave find that more or less time has passed since when they left. For immortal fey creatures, this isn’t a problem, but mortal short-lived creatures can find their lives wasting away the instant they leave. This is one of the many reasons travelers to the Plane of Faerie end up staying.

There’s also an intoxicating flavor that permeates the plane, and for non-fey it can prove an addicting experience. It’s difficult to describe – the air is thicker, more alive, and all scents and aromas are enhanced a hundred-fold. Beyond this olfactory enhancement, the very land of the Feywild is lush and vibrant, filled with life and beauty, but there’s always a trick in the Plane of Faerie. Sometimes, a verdant forest clearing dappled with pure sunlight turns mortals into gold, as is known to happen in the Golden Glade, while in the vast swamp known as Murkendraw creeping yellow vines obey the commands of the hag covens that fill the region, choking and pulling down travelers.


The Feywild was a place of unrestrained and awe-inspiring natural beauty. The plane is always bathed in twilight of the setting (or perhaps rising) sun, with lanterns and fireflies providing additional, haunting lights.

To the untrained eye the Feywilds may seem to stretch out horizontally like the Material Plane however to the Fey residing there will account that the structure of the Feywilds is both distinct and whimsical in nature.

As an "echo" of the Prime Material plane, its geography was similar although not entirely identical to that of material plane, but the natural landscape was markedly more dramatic and beautiful in the Feywild, with mountains standing straighter and sharper, rivers flowing clearer and faster, flowers bloom brighter and more fragrantly, and weather manifesting in supernatural ways. While most Prime locations and landmarks had analogues in the Feywild, sites of civilization in the Prime could be so unimportant in the Feywild as to be easily missed, while natural landmarks might be significantly more majestic or extreme.

Navigating the Feywild was further complicated by the fact that distances did not always make sense. While two landmarks might be the same distance apart as in the Prime when travelling in one direction, they might be inexplicably further or closer on the return trip.

Geographic Landmarks

At the very center of the wilds a colossal tree grows towering over the

Localized Phenomena

Visitors to the plane found that all sensations, both sensory and emotional, were heightened. Smells were stronger, colors were more vivid, and sounds were clearer, but at the same time shadows were darker and impulses were harder to control. Strong emotions are capable of altering the landscape of the Feywild itself, wilting flowers trailed the despondent or furious and carefree animals traveled alongside chipper and cheerful individuals.

Arcane magic ran more freely and powerfully in the Feywild than it did in the Prime, and it was for this reason that so many of its inhabitants and landmarks were suffused with magic. As an additional consequence of this all-encompassing magic, arcane spells tended to be amplified in power or duration when cast in the Feywild, and other times would manifest in entirely unexpected ways.

Fauna & Flora

The plants of the Feywild are similar enough to those of the material plane that a traveller may not realise they have passed into a different dimension. Looking closer though there are differences. The colours and smells of fey plants are much stronger and plant growth is thicker and more verdant in the Feywild. There are also several plants solely found in the Feywild many of which have unusual properties such as bark which appears to be made of metal, leaves which glow brightly at night or berries with weak healing abilities.   Animals are also similar and most material plane animals also exist in the Feywild. The Feywild does have some unique animals which (notably blink dogs and yeth hounds). There are also many more examples of megafauna in the Feywild than in the material plane. Mammoths, aurochs, giant sloths, and giant armadillo all still exist and are common in the Feywild where mortals have driven them to extinction in the material plane. One specific animal species that is worth noting is the white elk. These deer have silver coloured fur and antlers and glow with moonlight. They are extremely difficult to catch and capturing one alive is a requirement to join the ranks of the wild hunt. Under extreme circumstances the deer can travel into the material plane and it is believed that catching or slaying one can earn a mortal hunter a favour from the fey. (A stat block for these deer is included at the end of this post)   Domesticated beasts are rare in the Feywild. Fey do ride animals and use wolves or dogs for hunting, but these are not domesticated in the same sense as a horse or dog in the material plane. Instead, they are wild animals that are caught or that willingly come to offer their services to the Fey.


The Plane of Faerie, sometimes referred to as the Feywild, is a vibrant echo of the Material Plane, and in this it is similar to the Plane of Shadow. Along with the Plane of Dreams, these echo planes coexist with the Material Plane, highlighting and accenting different aspects, and for the Feywild, life, nature, and its various dangers are pushed to extreme levels. The seasons are varied and static, changing from one to another in stark contrast in varying regions, and the capricious archfey that rule over it all have their own petty squabbles and political discourse. Lost relics and overgrown ruins of ancient primordial elven people litter the Feywild, but travelers should be warned that rarely are these treasures left unprotected.
— Lillandri the Moon Mage

Cover image: by Tim Shepherd


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